gappydave wrote:For the bargain bin in the shop
The wierd rock lowers health initially but it permanently raises a characters max health.
The pets and slaves manual gives good teacher.
The cock charm isn't always canine so just call it a cock charm.
The random enemy was accidentally bought by you so as it escaped you lost your money and gained nothing.
You can find some jackel porn which you give to Nermine who gives you her money back with interest.Looks like it should but doesn't add dominant feat.
"you must have picked up some tips on getting the most out of your victories" May be bug or I'm misinterpreting the line.
You can find an urn in the bin which Nermine takes off you, you still lose the money but gain a kiss which adds about 5 points to your score.
There's also a copy of flexible society if found adds 100 points to your score.
Can gain red cross armband which dissapears but gives expert medic feat.
Chocolate bar that's eaten and gives chocolate lab infection.(complete if you ignore genetalia)
Nermine may stop you from picking an item and give you some advice which gives the character 15-20 xp or new feat.
Also there's a mirror which you break giving bad luck feat.
The above unlocks a pack of soda which goes badly but you still get some. (amount unknown)
Knockoff IPhone which somehow connects you to someone in the land of Nimin which adds twenty points to your score and may be a reference to Nimin's fetish fantasy after which you put the phone back in the bin.
Cat charm which melds with player giving felinoid infection which does affect genitalia(only partial unlike tigress and choc lab)also give player 1 dexterity.
City map which has had new locations like the forest added.Gives a more advanced version of the city map with more locations.
Pill which adds two to strength and reduces intelligence by one.
There may be more but this is what i've found.
Once you're done with these I can go through and tell you which monster infections have endings and which don't as only some have this mentioned in the wiki.
When you added monsters to each location's list you forgot to add them to the page which lists all the games monsters.
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