Questions on the Import/Export system

Questions on the Import/Export system

Postby crash7ds » Thu Sep 20, 2018 3:32 pm

So, my first question is is there not some way to tell the importer where to look for files? Because keeping some dozen or more files on my desktop or having to move them from the folder I'm trying to keep them in back and forth each time I want to play seems a little silly. My desktop is already a mess of crap and I don't need more files clogging up the screen space if it can be helped. The second, is there any way to keep more than one character export? It would seem awfully disappointing if this new system is so rigid as to assume I only need just one character export. Any help would be fantastic.

Edit: Actually, does anyone know why the importer doesn't seem to work at all? It's not finding the export files regardless of where they are it seems. Also, it seems to cause the interpreter to crash half the time when trying to import. I'm running Windows Git, for reference btw.
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Re: Questions on the Import/Export system

Postby iamjmph01 » Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:48 pm

No answers just another question, will we be told how to manipulate the files like we were for the saveword?
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Re: Questions on the Import/Export system

Postby meemo » Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:56 pm

This seems to have been a problem since it was introduced, i'm hoping someone will give us more info about how to fix this eventually...
Another few months of silence on this and it will be a year since it was requested, seems like a popular request too.
Not everyone has the time to sit down and play the game the way it was built, I for example am lucky to have an hour or two in the evening to do anything, then I have to sleep and go back to work again.
A save editor or more information about how to properly edit our own files would be a very good thing and allow people to access content.
What will eventually happen is people will just stop playing because they lack the time due to real life time constraints.
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Re: Questions on the Import/Export system

Postby Wahn » Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:35 pm

meemo wrote:It will be a year since it was requested

You have mighty strange years, the update came out in September...

Anyways, the export files are easily editable with any text editor. You can do a text search for your stats in FSCharacterSave.glkdata As for infection, and anything written as text, those are saved in the files by their Ascii numbers.
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