Coalsack wrote:My player was a male with 100 humanity at the ending, and I didn't saw any of those texts. And what's the text with the typo supposed to say?
bodyname is "Peacock"
bodyname of player is "Peacock"
Angry Snake is a situation.
The level of Angry Snake is 4.
The sarea of Angry Snake is "High Rise District".
wyvvern wrote:Haven't played this in a while. Came back to see what was new. First new quest I find is the one from Kyle at the bookstore. Head off to the High Rise District to look for his friend Gerty. Couldn't find him.
Checked the code. Discover the event I'm looking for is called "Angry Snake." Game tells me "Perhaps you should try looking somewhere closer to what you seek..."
Double-checked the code. (Kyle.i7x)
- Code: Select all
Angry Snake is a situation.
The level of Angry Snake is 4.
The sarea of Angry Snake is "High Rise District".
The sarea of this event should be "High". There is no area labeled internally "High Rise District". The event can't be procced, the quest can't be completed, which means none of the subsequent interactions with Kyle or Gerty are ever available.
Amazed no one caught this bug, tbh.
Servanash wrote:Can’t exit the menu in the confession booth at the beach, giving me only the options to ask what this place is, confess, and ask about freeing Brutus from his evil (didn’t have the required amount of water bottles)
DovahKing51 wrote:When I hunt for the Tigress Hooker, the game crashes.
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