OmegaRook wrote:I can confirm Candy showing up at the library before encountering at the hospital.
An unfortunate coding oversight, a fix will be included in the game shortly.
OmegaRook wrote:I can confirm Candy showing up at the library before encountering at the hospital.
MetreMaidPlayer wrote:Problems
Coalsack wrote:No matter how much time passes, I'm unable to get Solstice into the Library. I've found her, gave her the Onyx Crow and accepted her advances. At least 8 days have passed and she doesn't show up.
It may be because later I got 2 days more with Diego, and some more with some events, up to 13. In this case, the reason may be that the variables that control global time, and the time left to rescue are somehow cancelling her arrival.
On the same line, Nadia's pregnancies doesn't seem to advance unless I use fertile pills with her. I have to test it with other time-based events or pregnancies. Just checked. None of the NPC time-based pregnancy advances. Exceptions are the visit-based ones from the butterfly and the pill-fueled one of Nadia.
Syril_of_Snow wrote:Release 64 / Serial number 180105 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 612N) D
Kyrverth seems to have gone missing. I have both started a new game and made sure I was in the bugfixed release, but his content seems gone. I tried hunting for his 'strange sightings' event, couldn't find it in the High Rise District or anywhere else. His den also seems to have vanished so I figured something happened to his code.
Coalsack wrote:Peacock Ending
Section 6 - Endings
when play ends:
if bodyname is "Peacock":
if humanity of player < 10:
if cock length of player > cunt length of player:
say "You decide to remain in the quarantined city. With your wits and abilities, you will surely find many different...ahem...[']fruits['] to taste.";
say "You decide to remain in the quarantined city. You become the mate of a male peacock...or rather, his favorite mate. Neither of you wants to sacrifice his fun, after all...";
say "You decide to leave and join civilization. Your pretty look and overall self controlled behaviour gives you a job in what is considered the high society. You still have your...[']teeny sins['], you could say...";
if cunt length of player > cock length of player:
if intelligence of player > 18:
say "One day, however, your mind clicks. You manage to recall everything that the hypnosis altered or blocked completely... and it was actually really pleasant times. Still, you make bag and baggage and set off immediately to the quarantined city. You are determined to find him, and make clear that YOU are going to be in charge now...";
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