Typos and Bugs

Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:21 am

OmegaRook wrote:I can confirm Candy showing up at the library before encountering at the hospital.

An unfortunate coding oversight, a fix will be included in the game shortly.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:32 pm

After winning a fight against a Nurse Vixen (Herm), selecting Ride Her Cock from the victory menu does not display a sex scene.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby MetreMaidPlayer » Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:06 pm

Running into a problem with the latest version. The orcs are not working as seemingly intended. I go and get captured at the orc raid event in the warehouse district, and the orcs do not enter the cell at any point after transporting me to the orc den. The only interaction with them in the cell is if you go for the escape by getting fucked option. Also, I'm only encountering Mul in the hallway. If I lose, or submit, the sex scene fires off but then I stay in the hallway. It also seems that Val is not getting pregnant from them for the same reason. At least I'm assuming. I've never had the problem of Val not getting pregnant before. I've even attempted to get Val pregnant as an Orc Breeder and as an Orc Warrior. I'm currently playing on a system where I have not been able to download and install with the installer, so I'll try it on one that is installed next. With the latest download, I've even tried just making a new game, not enabling any cheats, and first thing finding the orc raid, and still not getting the orcs to enter the cells, or get Val pregnant. At this point, I have to assume its something in the code having gone tits up, and not a bad download as everything else seems to still be working normal. Will attempt a new download to see if that might be the problem.

*Edit* After a bit more playing around, as well as downloading the installer, it definitely seems like some code got bonked. Orcs are not working, nor am I able to get to get Sarah pregnant. I didn't mess with many of the companions, so not sure how far it goes. I was able to get Alexandra pregnant, as well as get pregnant my self, so its not a pregnancy issue from what I can see
Release 64 Serial number 180103 Inform 7 build 6m62 (l6/v6.331:b6/12n) D
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:49 am

MetreMaidPlayer wrote:Problems

Oh, oops - thank you for your report. I accidentally broke the game by adding in a single line of code - all sorts of stuff that is supposed to happen as turns tick on doesn't right now. Sending an emergency fix.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Coalsack » Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:41 am

No matter how much time passes, I'm unable to get Solstice into the Library. I've found her, gave her the Onyx Crow and accepted her advances. At least 8 days have passed and she doesn't show up.

It may be because later I got 2 days more with Diego, and some more with some events, up to 13. In this case, the reason may be that the variables that control global time, and the time left to rescue are somehow cancelling her arrival.

On the same line, Nadia's pregnancies doesn't seem to advance unless I use fertile pills with her. I have to test it with other time-based events or pregnancies. Just checked. None of the NPC time-based pregnancy advances. Exceptions are the visit-based ones from the butterfly and the pill-fueled one of Nadia.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:57 am

Coalsack wrote:No matter how much time passes, I'm unable to get Solstice into the Library. I've found her, gave her the Onyx Crow and accepted her advances. At least 8 days have passed and she doesn't show up.

It may be because later I got 2 days more with Diego, and some more with some events, up to 13. In this case, the reason may be that the variables that control global time, and the time left to rescue are somehow cancelling her arrival.

On the same line, Nadia's pregnancies doesn't seem to advance unless I use fertile pills with her. I have to test it with other time-based events or pregnancies. Just checked. None of the NPC time-based pregnancy advances. Exceptions are the visit-based ones from the butterfly and the pill-fueled one of Nadia.

Please re-download the game, there was a small but critical bug through which time wasn't passing. I sent a fix yesterday.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Syril_of_Snow » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:15 am

Release 64 / Serial number 180105 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 612N) D

Kyrverth seems to have gone missing. I have both started a new game and made sure I was in the bugfixed release, but his content seems gone. I tried hunting for his 'strange sightings' event, couldn't find it in the High Rise District or anywhere else. His den also seems to have vanished so I figured something happened to his code.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:58 am

Syril_of_Snow wrote:Release 64 / Serial number 180105 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 612N) D

Kyrverth seems to have gone missing. I have both started a new game and made sure I was in the bugfixed release, but his content seems gone. I tried hunting for his 'strange sightings' event, couldn't find it in the High Rise District or anywhere else. His den also seems to have vanished so I figured something happened to his code.

Hm, weird - seems like someone put in a wrongly written zone for where exactly the events are supposed to happen. Its an easy fix to put in the proper one, but I'm puzzled at why these events have been working in the first place, since the last change in the area code was 3 months ago. Might have something to do with a more recent change that made hunting more exact, so it doesn't pick up the false positive created by the wrong setting there. I'll test it and send another little bugfix.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Coalsack » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:50 pm

There is this typo with the Peacock appeareance:

"Looking at yourself, your body is covered in blue and green feathers covering your skin. Your face is bird-like head. You pass quite a bit of your time admiring your. Your body is tall and slender; your legs are double-jointed and bird-like, while your arms have been mutated into feathered wings, ending with five extra-thick feathers, flexible and mobile as fingers. A beautiful cloak bearing a rainbow of shimmering feathers makes you look very regal and colorful. "

First line: "You pass quite a bit of your time admiring your ???."

Also, there's a bug on Doran's description:

"Oddly enough, after you were rescued, the dragoness named Doran was nowhere to be found; none of the soldiers who were a part of the rescue operation saw such a creature or heard of anyone with that particular name. To this day, you wonder if she was ever even real to begin with..."

Doran is a male, regarded as male on my game, so this "dragoness" text doesn't make sense. I must clarify that my player is gender-locked as male, in case of that has something to do with the noun typo.

Lastly, I see that the Peacock TF hasn't any ending. I'm almost sure that I saw an ending for it long ago. It was removed, it's another bug or it simply never existed?
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:43 pm

Coalsack wrote:Peacock Ending

Here it is:
Code: Select all
Section 6 - Endings

when play ends:
   if bodyname is "Peacock":
      if humanity of player < 10:
         if cock length of player > cunt length of player:
            say "You decide to remain in the quarantined city. With your wits and abilities, you will surely find many different...ahem...[']fruits['] to taste.";
            say "You decide to remain in the quarantined city. You become the mate of a male peacock...or rather, his favorite mate. Neither of you wants to sacrifice his fun, after all...";
         say "You decide to leave and join civilization. Your pretty look and overall self controlled behaviour gives you a job in what is considered the high society. You still have your...[']teeny sins['], you could say...";
         if cunt length of player > cock length of player:
            if intelligence of player > 18:
               say "One day, however, your mind clicks. You manage to recall everything that the hypnosis altered or blocked completely... and it was actually really pleasant times. Still, you make bag and baggage and set off immediately to the quarantined city. You are determined to find him, and make clear that YOU are going to be in charge now...";
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