Preferences Questionnaire

Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Wahn » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:08 pm

Let's put up another little questionnaire for forum visitors to fill out. This will help the writers to see what people like and dislike, which can be quite useful when deciding on further projects.

So please if you have the time, fill this out and post it below:

The gender of my player character is: (example: male/female/neuter/changes often)
Feats my character often/always has:
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival?

I prefer creature gender to be:
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath:
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath:
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
I'd love to see as new creature:

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs:
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby cmacleod42 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:43 pm

The gender of my player character is: (example: male/female/neuter/changes often) - female or herm
Feats my character often/always has: Fertility, Litter Bearer, Strong Back
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? - no

I prefer creature gender to be: any, not neuter, prefer female or herm
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: dominant sex
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: whatever, try to avoid that
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
hermaphrodite gryphon - not bad sex scene, and can impregnate when you win
Wood Elf - nice bit with the escape and then later capture
Black Eqinoid - whole implicit impregnation thing and generally like the sex scene
Siamese Cat - a very neat combat mechanic and nice sex scenes where you can fuck of be fucked!

The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
In general I do not like the joke type creatures, thus turn them off

This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
Tentacle Beast below Trevor Labs - seems bent on impregnating OTHERS, does not seem to happen to the player. Also does not seem to be able to make the player a tentacle abomination

I'd love to see as new creature:
nothing in particular

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs:
Sarah, Colleen, Christy, Lilith, Sven, Elija, Nadia

Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
do not care

The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
Sarah for the whole slutty puppy thing.
Sven for rescue and then corruption to a pet
Doberwoman, Alxeandra - a neat capture mechanic. Wish more options once she joins you in the bunker. The puppies are nice (both kids and boobs), sex nice, just something more

The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
Phillip the Pig guy - because he is very infectious during sex, so I normally ignore him

I'll add more later once I have had more of a think
Last edited by cmacleod42 on Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby leodreal » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:42 pm

The gender of my player character is: Herm
Feats my character often/always has:
Fun Feats: One way, Kinky, Perky
Basic Feats: Expert Hunter, Ringmaster, Spartan diet
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? No

I prefer creature gender to be: Anything but neuter
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: Dominant, Specially if theres impregnation involved
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: Warm love scenes
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
Butterfly: Like the scenes after, both the domination scenes and the love scenes.
Doberman: Like the paths leading to Alexandra (atm only bad dog though)(Good dog needs more work)
Mental Mouse: Like that they scale with your lvl and the scene after.
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
Giant, Caveman, Rhino... Dont like the "rough-looking" men gay scenes
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
Mental Mouse, i'd like to see a bit varied ending, and rachel allso need some variety to her ending(s).
Other then that no one in perticular, would have liked some of the ones with random winning scenes to be given choices instead though.
I'd love to see as new creature:
Only one i can think of right of the bat might be a Cameleon, with some X-ray scenes thanks to the fact that they can make parts of them selfs invisable.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Amy, Sarah, Alexandra, Fang, Mary, Sandra, Leonard, Sven, Nermine, Helen
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
Pets overall needs some scenes with the Npcs at the Bunker, mostly Honey, Denise and Rachel.
But allso Sally needs some more work on, atm there like no reason to go that path since she is very boring.
The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
Amy, like the scenes with the other bunker npcs, the recruitment and scenes between her and the pc
Alexandra, pretty much same as Amys reason except maybe she needs some more scenes with the other bunker npcs
Sven, same as above, allso like that he has so many endings that vary depending on your bunker npcs
There are more, but for the sake of the the thread ill hold it there :D
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
Philip: Dont like the infection, dont like the personality and appearance.
Boris: Even though i understand the reason for it, he doesnt even feel like an npc as there no reason to talk to him unless you want to see the gameover.
Zigor: Tried having him once, instant regret, ruined that game for me...
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby soul4hdwn » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:01 am

i'll be slightly different in responding here. i'll most my long ago "first playthrough" and my current usage. long ago, i don't remember being able to pick feats, just stats, gender, and starting.
long ago:
character usually male, changed a medium amount of times till i picked up "male prefered", i think back then, i still had boobs due to taking the feat late.
i think the male preferred was only thing i always used.
back then, i didn't use auto even if i was finally able to.

creature favs [long ago] where the wyvern and demon brute. because back then, those were only males that would sex with another male. i know there were more but i couldn't "find" them back then. back then and now, i prefer and preferred creatures to be male.
back then, i liked winning (player) aftermath to be either acknowledging the foe's existence, or m/m oral sex.
when (player) losing, i preferred m/m anal sex or just foreplay/teasing.
back then... i remember hating most herm creatures i met, specially the gryphon and "shemale dog". i remember not having any thought at all about pure females.
back then, i wanted the latex wolf, demon brute, and the sewers naga to be updated.
i think i wanted a centaur creature, but that was added to the game sometime after i thought about it... or at least updates to centaurs. or maybe it was one that changed to stop mutilating genitals... i just remember that centaurs DID get better after i wanted a new one (that i didn't find). XD

npcs: back then, there was no m/m npcs. ok there was a pig but that didn't count to me because back then i had a "nope" against pigs or at least the stereotypical ones. i think i enjoyed the dragon stuck in the wall, because it turned me into a dragon XD.
i didn't have any dislikes back then about npcs, but i didn't really fuck/help any at same time due to lack of interest.
back then, library sex didn't happen to my awareness so... can't answer that question from this perspective =p.

character: male, always
i don't always use automatic, i'd say every time i start a game, there is a 50% chance i'd use it.
feats i always have depends on if i was using the game for "fun" or actually playing it. i'd always have male preferred regardless though.
"fun": touched by madness, kinky, horny bastard, mpreg. or uh... whatever else reptile creatures "want". -shameless for achange-
fun: the three main feats (the last three mentioned above), then either dominant or submissive. the rest doesn't really change me much for how i play in a "normal" sense.

creatures gender pref: male

when it wins: i'd like it to either eventually treat me as one of its own, or use me as a toy either literally or metaphorically. the "treated as a toy" can reach from being used as a living dildo (sizeplay inserting into its desire or being forced onto the ground then ridden on) or a fleshlight (grabbed and then made to take its tongue, tail, or cock) or regarded as a victory item or something to use for fun and not fully a mindless fuck. the "treated as one of own" is far more straightforward and hard to mistranslated XD, yet doesn't quite refer to anything.

when it loses: i kinda want anything. m/m oral or anal. what i sorta want to see is a non lethal vore that player performs or a (low sanity of course) offer self up as prey to foe safely. kinda also like some more CV, shame only behemoth has that and its actually a dual gender. one thing the behemoth has going for it however, is the player being fucked into another of the creature's kind! thats unique.

i like yamato dragon, sea dragon, wyvern, seriasaur, plains snake, and "particular dragon". for shamefully shallow reasons (reptiles and m/m). the sea dragon and seriasaur specially because the sea dragon's touched by madness scene's final words mean a WHOLE lot more when "its not apparent" yet itself highly regards the act done. the seriasaur's case is because it eventually treats player as one of its own... which sets things into a new level.
i dislike herms still, only that now there's too many and i avoid them anyways so i can't say i "hate" them anymore as much as they're simply annoying when they appear. i whoever like the hyenas, which is why i only "ward" herms.

wyvern needs a bit of work, it feels like it could do more other than hump for sex differences. (also an banned oddity/bug). think latex wolf has potential for a little more. -i'll add more because i really should try fully exploring the game again, although that's a tad painful time-wise if i DON"T cheat.-

i'd love to see a newer gryphon that is its own thing different from the existing gryphs. of course mostly male or is male. i'd like to see tigers outside of the silly pimp or whores. maybe those two can fuse together =p, and add in potential sizeplay... variation. i can't ask for more reptiles but those would be great too! and i guess i couldn't care about gender despite not really interacting with non males.

npc: to be honest, i never bothered XD. i really should fix that but i get what i want from battle loss/wins and just plain combat.
there can never be enough people to save and keep and later fuck.
i do know that the fucking is usually mutual and orientation switchable, so thats a massive plus.
i suppose i still hate female interactions due to personal preferences. i can tell the game is doing this part well though.

(pre edit: oh god that took so long, the forum logged me out XD)
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Savriss » Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:02 am

The gender of my player character is: (example: male/female/neuter/changes often)
I pick male or female for a particular playthrough and lock it in with feats. Approx 80% male to 20% female playthroughs.
Feats my character often/always has:
Fast learner,
Spartan diet,
Expert hunter,
Master baiter,
City map,
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival?

I prefer creature gender to be:
Female, male, everything else beneath.
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath:
A dominant scene, with the vanquished creature acknowledging the victory.
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath:
Largely anything goes, I am the loser after all. I'd like to see more variety, though. In addition to sex, consequences could include getting kicked out of territories for a few turns, stolen from, watersports, etc.
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
Wood elf; great advance of scenes and well written.
Warehouse catgirl; cute yet challenging intro, rewarding sex scene, seems to really capture spirit of a 'cat'.
Campus Naiad; well-written, has rewarding sex scenes and variety.
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
Gargoyle: I loathe being told how I feel and this creature has it in spades.
Math teacher: Hot lady teachers are a personal fantasy and I am personally annoyed I didn't get a female version made before the current incarnation came along.
Latex fox: This may have changed in updates since, but having the must-fuck when a female PC wins meant that, no matter the level, trying to have a loyal, upstanding character requires running away.
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
I'd love to see as new creature:
Succubus: Has no loss-to-PC scenes where she tries to seduce them? Seems a curious lack.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs:
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
Some of my favourite scenes are establishing the social order of the gang, such as denying Fang taking Alexandra.
Scenes between Amy and Alexandra especially appeal.
The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
Fang (mostly as a story device for establishing dominance)
Jennifer, so much. Great sex, great writing, interesting talk-tos, advancing storyline (though hate having to go Football Wolfman to do so) .
Nermine, though I wish there were more.
Blanche is extremely well written, but could use more updates.
Edit: Can't believe I forgot Sonja the viking! Though, I do feel guilty for not finishing.
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
Tyr: I despise this character for being told 'you fear and respect this character'. I've beat down everything that can be beat down in this city and this guy sends a shiver down my spine? His little henchman is much the same and I avoid the whole area as a result despite liking the Great Danes.
Philip: Well written, but I simply dislike the stereotypical image of the pig.
Last edited by Savriss on Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Savriss » Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:03 am

Additionally: I'm curious, Lodreal, what extra stuff you'd like to see on Bad Alexandra?
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby leodreal » Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:23 am

Some scenes were she might try to establish being "second in command" with the other bunker npcs, while failing with npcs like evil Elijah and get the scene turned around. Maybe she can take back the alpha position from the pc if you play with submissive and fang is the new alpha. And generally more interactions with the other npcs, she is by far one of my favorite npcs, and theres really no need to rush content like this, but it would be interessting. :D
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Alesleo » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:51 pm

The gender of my player character is: (example: male/female/neuter/changes often)
Male and more rarely Herm

Feats my character often/always has:
Male Preferred, Kinky, Submissive, Horny Bastard

Does the character usually use Automatic Survival?
When I play to see new content or reach a specific scene yes

I prefer creature gender to be:

When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath:
giving or receiving anal

When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath:
getting mounted, with the player character eventually liking it, and vore scenes

The following creatures I like the most (why?):
Hermaphrodite Gryphon: I love gryphons and these have some of the better winning scenes
Flaming Lynx: consensual sex in most scenes
Felinoid: dominant in a sort of... romantic way?
Margay: for the ub, expecially winning/losing when you are a margay yourself
Wildcat: pretty much like the felinoid, at least when you submit
Fruitbat: so flirty xD
Behemoth: my favorite when I'm in the mood for vore scenes

The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
Wrestling Wolf: I know that now you won't encounter him at low level anymore, but he kicked my ass too much in the past xD

This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
Ocelot: the two different paths of infection (submissive or dominant) give them much potential
Tigertaur: at the end of many scenes it says that the critter would like to continue but you are too spent, maybe if you have a certain feat (kinky?) you could have a second round;
I admit this is only a wish since the following creatures are already great and with a good load of content, but I would love some oral vore scenes for the behemoth and an use of the amazing new mechanic introcuced in Blue Bishop's Sierrataur for the herm gryphons, in a more sexual way.

I'd love to see as new creature:
More felines are always appreciated, the same said for more vorish critters. Maybe a some giant avian that catches you and bring you to his nest to have is way and eat you? Sorry I couldn't be more specific.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs:
Denise, Brutus, David, Sally, Candy, Sven, Angie, Doran, Felinoid companion

Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
The Felinoid companion is creating a little harem, he has to get everyone! xD
Jokes aside, you have already expanded so much my favorite companions. Maybe some interactions with Sally... a scene with Sven might work.

The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
I like seeing companions interacting with each other, it's because of this that I put in the above list characters like Felinoid, Brutus and Candy.

The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
No one really bugs me, I could say Tristan at the Palomino because he's too much dominant or Leonard because I feel too much used when questing for him.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby sb2 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:49 pm

The gender of my player character is: varies, but never neuter and more often male/herm than female.
Feats my character often/always has:
  • Kinky.
  • Fast Learner.
  • Submissive.
  • Horny Bastard.
  • Twisted Capacity.
  • Mpreg. (Even if not male, since it still allows the character to get pregnant from anal sex if they're fem/herm)
  • Microwaved. (Didn't realise until fairly recently that it gave you a choice of whether to be infected, which I prefer over the Researcher's blanket immunity)
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Yes. But not at first. I only started doing it the umpteenth time after re-starting my character simply to not have to micro-manager

I prefer creature gender to be: varies, but never neuter and more often male/herm than female.
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: Multiple choices.
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: Submissive sex.
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
  • Doe. Level scales with you, dom herm and the whole 'you had your chance' vibe. Would be nice to have a Doe ending or more interactiveness/variance.
  • Shemale Smooth Collie/Voodoo Gecko. Their (inter)sexual nature.
  • Butterfly. The interactiveness/variety of interaction, although the lack of variety I've seen in the 'pissed off' version is perhaps a little disappointing, but that would be a bit nit-picky of me.
  • Dark Elf/Math's Teacher. Dom herms.
  • Tigress Hooker. Variety of scenes. Would be nice to have more control when you win or 'pay' though.
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
  • Rubber/latex creatures. Not my kind of thing generally.
  • Cock Cannon/Awesome Tree. (Other than as a means to an end for the latter). Too silly.
  • The same-y canine/feline creatures (German Shephard, Alpha Husky/Wolf, Feral Wold, etc.). Just the same-y-ness of some of them. Nothing against canines/felines (both of which I quite like).
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
  • Doe/Butterfly/Tigress Hooker/Canines/Felines. See comments above.
I'd love to see as new creature: More intersexed creatures. Namely 'shemales' and 'cuntboys', for lack of better terms.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs:
  • Hadiya. Dom herm.
  • Susan (when I don't deliberately scorn her to turn her into the 'Doe' enemy). Would be nice to have more variety with her being a herm though (i.e. using her male equipment), and/or an option for female players to get/keep her.
  • Orthas. Main reason I always side with Dr. Matt. Shame she doesn't have more interactiveness though.
  • Snow.
  • Fang.
  • Eric.
  • Candy.
  • Hyena Gang (all of them).
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome: Any/most library NPCs/pets would be nice really. Especially fond of the Felinoid, although it'd be nice if he could have a transformative effect on them in game like he does in the after game (even if its only making males herms).
The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
  • Hadiya. Though it would be nice to have her tied into endings, and/or to the Hyena gang events somehow, beyond her dislike of you being involved with them.
  • Slut Rat Ronda. Dom Herm.
  • And I'm sure you can see a pattern here...
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
  • Phillip. Don't find the appearance or personality interesting/appealing.
  • Lisa. Too little variety. Would be nice if she could use more toys in more ways, especially given the place she works. E.g. strap-on, different kinds of dildos and vibrators.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Dormir » Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:07 pm

I hope I'm not too late for this,but here goes nothing...

The gender of my player character is:Usually changing to get the most varied scenes(but I like hermaphrodite the best.)

feats my character often/always has:
Black Belt/Martial Artist
Expert Medic
Natural Armaments
Microwaved/Researcher Immunity
Vore Predator

Does the character usually use Automatic Survival?
Not really

I prefer creature gender to be:Doesn't matter,I have varied tastes~ ;D
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath:Matters on the creature,but I like the scene to be dominant and varied(a choice of which parts of them I want to use.)
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath:Getting screwed hard and filled up of course~!But I like gangbangs ,watersports and vore scenes the most.
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
Hermaphrodite Gryphon:Nice victory and defeat scenes with lactation and cum inflation.(I would like to choose which part of the gryph I want to play with though.)
Dacovixentaur family:nice scenes and unique looking(No victory sex though...)
Slut Rat:Lovely gangbang defeat scene,but could use victory sex.
Painted Wolf Herm:Plenty of scenes on the defeat/victory spectrum.
Black Equinoid:Nice defeat scenes and horsecock is almost never a bad thing~
Cougar:Simple and "effective" sex,and the new watersports scenes won me over.
Bunny Jock:I have an eternal love of all things lagomorph,and this studly bunny combines it with my muscle worship and hyper fetishes into one hot(and big) package~Could use some anal victory sex though. . .
Feral Wolf:Lovely defeat/victory scenes and watersports,not much more to say.
Centaur Stallion:Excellent defeat scenes and cum inflation.
Goat Janitor:A rather unique creature I love playing with every time,great scenes all around.
Chocolate Lab:I love chocolate,to say it simply.Was disappointed I couldn't nurse from it,though...
Stallionboi:Nice gangbang defeat scene,needs victory sex.
Mammoth:Super big and hyper herm~All it needs is some vore or more victory sex.
Clockwork Foxes:I'm so glad mechanical creatures are represented here.
Sierrasaur & Pewter Consort:Vore and gangbangs are my top two,and these lovely creatures are currently my favorite when I get a craving for those fetishes.I love the 'bound state' system a lot.
Behemoth:My absolute favorite creature in the game,huge and plenty of vore scenes gets this thing and A+ from me(I love the victory scenes have vore too.)

The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
Cock Cannon & Awesome Tree:One's too gross and the other is too silly.
Giant:My hope for a good macro character was dashed when I saw it was a human...I felt really disappointed.
Skunk:Not very fun creature for me,it melts before I can have fun with it...
Cum Girl:Kind of...Er...Well;it's not very interesting to me.And kind of gross.
Elven Hunter & Incubus:I have a hatred of smug,pretty-faced bastards,and these two are no exception.The main problem with them is that I don't get to kick the teeth out of their stupid grins(post battle I mean...)

This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
Panda:Cute and nice defeat scene,but I'd like to be on top for a victory scene.
Female Husky:So outdated it hurts,needs a slight expansion.
Ash Dragon Family:Badly needs some victory sex for all of them.
Peacock:Needs victory sex and a expansion to his defeat scenes.

I'd love to see as new creature:Elephants~♥

When I saw that short scene in the Zoo I fell in love,but I was a bit heartbroken when I saw they weren't encounterable.A nice big herm elephant would be divine~

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs:
Fang,Sarah & Coleen,Sandra,Snow,Sven,Alexandra,Sam,Onyx.

Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
Fang and Sven,Sam and Snow,Alexandra and...Everyone~

The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
Dr.Moffatt:Big hyper skunk with lactation and bulges,all my love~
Snow:Hyper squirrel herm with a cute personality and nice scenes,would like to choose which part I want to play with,though...
Fang:I was ecstatic when I found out I could bring one of the feral wolves home,he's fun to play with whether alpha or beta and his scenes with Sandra are the tops~
Sven:Lovely shy kitty with a plethora of ways to play with him(or her~)
DoranKind of stiff and suffers a bit from "Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness",but his scenes are pretty solid and he has my favorite kind of vore ever(Full tour all they way~)
Hyena Gang:Every one of them,every scene.They just scratch my itch for group sex and domination so well.
Macadamia:Three words,I.Love.Nuts.
Septus & Jennifer:Hot wolf sex and impregnation are a big plus.
Sam:Excellent scenes of his transformation,and he's mega fun to play with.
Christy:Big hot dragoness with unquenchable heat and a smidge of unbirth,yes please more thank you~
Angie & Midnight:Lovely scenes of her giving in to her desires and Midnight is a lot of fun too.the one time scene where the PC is a rubber tigress is great even though it's short.

The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):

Phillip:Mud and forced transformation=blech!
Brian:No sex,no fun.And he has such a nice description too...
Lisa:She's nice and useful,but she desperately needs an expansion.

Phew,that took a while.
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