Wiki Work

Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:52 pm

Long story short a few years ago i worked on the wiki and it's in desperate need of updating, so i'm going to start working on it and adding as much as i can this is a huge undertaking since the game has so much content. I will start with added the new content that has no place on the wiki yet as well as updating pages that has outdated information, however if people feel certain quests or characters need a place to help players navigate better post it in here and i will put it on the top of my list. A side note last time i worked on the wiki i tended to basically make each entry have all the information you could possibly want and some felt it was to much so I will try to limit myself but if there is any extra information anyone would like on a page let me know and ill see what i can do.
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:40 pm

Also I will be working on the bare bones first AKA adding things to the main tabs. So far i've added alot to the NPC tab, adding to their special individual pages will come after. Hopefully this will help people find specific NPCs. I add them as I travel via game so if you feel i have forgotten one that you feel needs to be added just let me know, and i will search for them via game. The reason i'm not using the git hub for everything is simply some content is new and tied off via debug so we cant touch is yet or just in case a glitch and we have to wait to access that content. That way if you can see it via wiki you can def. find it in-game.
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:44 am

Alright so i have all the NPCs up on their tab, next is to work on their specific pages. The hunting locations were also updated so that should show what enemies appear in what hunting grounds. I believe there are still 2 hunting areas that need updating as far as enemies go but the way it was coded into the wiki ill need to find a different entry point than the majority of the others. I also updated and as far as i can tell completed the transformative item section, it will still have more things added but as of right now the list shows what infection each item gives as well as the gender it pushes you towards. Tomorrow I will go through and double check my work to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks. But sadly I need a lil break i've been power gaming FS and typing stuff for hours so yeah break time. :lol: I Once again i cant stress it enough if anything is missing drop me a line on here so i can make sure it is put in.
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby barian » Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:22 am

Cool, if pages are made for Skarnoth, Sonny and Gabriel, I'll add the wiki links to their entries on the list of bunker npcs and pets. :)
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:33 pm

here you go Barian:

Sonny- (this one was already made by someone else i just added an author link)

if you have any ideas for others that should take precedent let me know.
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:32 pm

The reason for a lack of updates is I have been working on the enemies and there is alot of them not to mention updating the information some of the enemies also never got added to the wiki period so please be patient im trying to work on them as fast as I can :P
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:42 pm

ok I have wrapped up the "basic" info for all the enemies. The detailed version will be done later, right now i'm working on NPC events and quests. Feel free to check the specific character page for a step by step speed guide after I get it done on the character page I will be trying to create a link function on the quest tab that way if you know the quest but not the NPC involved you can still easily find it. If people are unsatisfied with a speed guide for quests/events and want a detailed version I can do that, but I wont until its brought to my attention or I just completely run out of things to update which is unlikely lol.
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:35 am

Still plugging away at NPCs and their quest lines, but I actually got a PM about blank sections on the wiki so I thought I would share what i'm planning on doing to end any confusion. Basically I personally prefer information to be in an organized in a way that everything has its own little section that way it's much easier to find the information you want without having to read through the stuff you don't need. I will list how each NPC will be listed and the meaning of each category, not all of these are fully implemented yet. I also feel the "blank" groups should be left in for two reasons it keeps all the pages in the same build, as well as the fact the game has had an explosion of new talented writers that we never know what will be added so it makes it easier to place things when needed.

Appearance- This is what the NPC looks like if it has more than one form it will be indicated and listed as well.
Events- This is for more Personal events/quests having to do with either random scenes or recruitment.
Interactions- This is show possible interaction with other NPCs/pets, whether the scene is background or a potential sex scene.
Infection- This is for infectious NPCs, it will show show which way the player will be pushed towards in terms of gender. (ex: breasts- how big and how many. penis- how long, how big the balls are and how many.)
Notes- This is just little random tidbits that we learn about an NPC that don't make or break a character but are fun to know.
Links- This will give you a link to the author of the NPC as well as the link to the NPC themselves on the github.
Ideas of Potential Growth- This is more of a fun little section, basically using only information the author themselves have hinted to themselves in their content we can come up with ideas for potential expansions. This is in no way a guarantee that the ideas will be implemented but more of a tool that authors can make use of to come up with new content ideas.

While i'm on about NPCs I might as well also list what will eventually happen with the monster sections as well. As many people will notice the only real differences between the two pages will be seen in the events and interactions sections

Appearance- This is what the monster looks like if it has more than one form it will be indicated and listed as well.
Events- Basically this will be about the location of the monster. It will also include the items the monster drops including the item uses in game. If the monster has special prerequisites for it to appear it will listed as well.
Interactions- This will show potential content you can activate with a pet/battle companion. Also special interactions with you based on your form and/or feats.
Infection- This is for infectious monsters, it will show show which way the player will be pushed towards in terms of gender. (ex: breasts- how big and how many. penis- how long, how big the balls are and how many.)
Notes- This is just little random tidbits that we learn about an monster that don't make or break a character but are fun to know.
Links- This will give you a link to the author of the monster as well as the link to the monster themselves on the github.
Ideas of Potential Growth- This is more of a fun little section, basically using only information the author themselves have hinted to themselves in their content we can come up with ideas for potential expansions. This is in no way a guarantee that the ideas will be implemented but more of a tool that authors can make use of to come up with new content ideas.

I also appreciate the person that sent me a message, as it made me realize I should explain the ideas that are being implemented. If anyone else has any concerns or questions I will do my best to to answer the best that I can.
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby dark » Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:13 pm


Great job on the wiki, it's a resource I tend to use a lot and probably will until there is a quest tracker, and likely at least a little even after that if I'm stuck.
One thing which would be helpful in terms of quests, is to know the estimated danger level of monsters in them, thus giving an idea when they were possible to complete.
For example, I tried to do the husky pack event to rescue sarah, but realized that at level 9 an alpha husky was too tough for me at that stage in the game.

I'd also be interested to see some updated explanations of the mode types and feats, eg, is starting with "court outside" the only way to get the spartan diet feat? and what is the normal game length as opposed to that in forgotten mode.
Also, in blind mode you seem to still be able to use the scavenge command but not search, while obviously automatic survival has now been moved to the cheats menu.

Thanks for all the help on the wiki, it definitely is! much appreciated, and I've put a link to it over on the Flexible survival page on
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Re: Wiki Work

Postby luneth » Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:48 pm

I am glad that your finding the wiki of use and I do understand that a lot of the content is still in dire need of update and expansion, For me I look at the wiki as not only a source of information but also as close to a game guide as we can get. I think your onto something with the danger level being applied to quests/events (well events that don't choose a random enemy lol) I will try my best to make when i get the quest and event guide up to snuff I will include danger levels as well and i'm sure a lot of other players will appreciate your advice as well :D.

Now onto the page for feats and modes. I do think it would be a good idea to include all the ways you can acquire them "naturally" through events and such and go a lil further in depth on what aspects the feats actually entail. With the mode stuff I just glanced at the beginner guide I am not sure if you have checked it yet, if you have then I apologize i'm just covering all the bases hehe but it will be updated as well but until it is this should offer the basic gist of the different modes I will also be looking into adding all of the difficulty modes into that guide. As far as some of the things with blind mode ill get in touch with some of the writers most likely Wahn and go over it with him to make sure everything is working properly.

Thank you for the response and if you ever have any other ideas on what could help make the wiki a better tool for the players never be afraid to speak up! Oh yeah and just in case here the beginner link and the starting game link I hope they help at least with a few questions until i can get through the proper pages. Once again if this is old news to you I do apologize lol.
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