Typos and Bugs

Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby leodreal » Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:20 pm

Every time i get back to the bunker i get the scene with Fang and sub Carl asking me to Watch or not.
The game is a Load with the keyword "load game".
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:10 pm

^^ Oh, must have forgotten to set a flag - let me check... Ah yes, the event versions for Alpha Fang/sub Carl were missing the "event done" flag at the end. Fix will be on the way shortly.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby gappydave » Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:56 am

With the red light district there are several situations where the words she and her are spelt wrong with lots of shi and hir turning up especially with the tigress hooker.

Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Darthan » Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:28 am

gappydave wrote:With the red light district there are several situations where the words she and her are spelt wrong with lots of shi and hir turning up especially with the tigress hooker.

These are used because the tigress hooker is a herm. Some authors use choose the use shi and hir to refer to herms, others use she and her.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby TigerStripes » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:43 pm

gappydave wrote:With the red light district there are several situations where the words she and her are spelt wrong with lots of shi and hir turning up especially with the tigress hooker.

The Tigress Hookers were my first project and were written using the herm pronounds 'shi/hir/hirs'. As most of the other herm content was being made using the female pronouns, I switched to that format shortly afterwards to remain consistent. Given the extent of the TH and Motel Quest content, I saw little point in redoing it all over again.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby galeblaze » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:20 pm

Megakitty has a problem.

You are almost certain you saw some Megakitty tracks...
You run into a Megakitty.
You find your path blocked by the massive Megakitty. Called ‘Big Momma’ by the others, she’s a bigger version of the other margays you’ve seen, with more than two feet of additional
height to her. The Rubenesque feline is covered in spotted and striped fur across the whole of her massively maternal body. Her hips are extra-wide and rounded, giving the big kitty an
earthshaking booty beneath her thrashing tail.
She gives a lustful mrowl and licks her muzzle as she eyes you. “” she purrs as she fingers her juicy snatch, withdrawing her massive sextoy from it to make room for you. With lust in her
eyes, she stomps towards you, intent on adding you to her family, regardless of how you may feel.

this occured due to beating her in the fight on the previous encounter.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Sheogorath » Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:11 pm

I have a bit of save word insanity on my hands. For starters, every I recite a save word the NPCs go of the rails. Amy enters a state where I can no longer talk, smell, fuck, or read her description yet I still see a hyper link. Oddly though if I go to warehouse and hunt for the soldier squad I can get her back, in her childish state. Next Brutus and equine warrior disappear from my pet list until I do there events again. Also Brutus rejoins me as a cunt boy half the half time, despite the fact I never change gender shift him. And finally David and Eric vanish completely from the game no matter what I do. If that were not strange enough, my female and male (no Mpreg) characters are often host to wasp larva they never encountered. So ya, here are the save words I am using hope they help.

27}26}25}25}29}23}44}364}92}32580}13}Skunkbeast Lord}Skunkbeast Lord}Skunkbeast
Lord}Skunkbeast Lord}Skunkbeast Lord}0}13}0}8}2}26}0}0}57}26}medium


25}26}24}27}44}20}48}414}100}41699}18}Horny Dragon}Horny Dragon}Horny
Dragon}Horny Dragon}Horny Dragon}0}13}2}2}0}0}24}38}0}0}medium
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:55 am

Sheogorath wrote:saveword troubles

All of the problems you listed are saved in chantpartA, and yours has pretty clearly been damaged:

There should be always a number and then a } to divide them, what you posted has two spots with }}. Which leads to the next number being used for a wrong variable and a whole domino effect of wrong restoration moves for everything past it...

Just put a 0 between those two }} and that should fix everything but whatever was saved in those two spots - not sure what that is exactly, but it'll be just reset to the base value. Here:
Code: Select all
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby galeblaze » Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:06 pm

This is a minor suggestion for a minor fix in the game. On Hyper Squirrel.i7x line 118 I would suggest adding a little correction at this color, and removing at this color. I underlined the code because the colors I am using as indicators as to what sould be changed would not have shown up for the code part if I placed code tags around the the words.
Modify it? [link]Light (1)[as]1[end link], [link]Standard (2)[as]2[end link], [link]Heavy (3)[as]3[end link] or [end link]No Change (0)[as]0[end link]?";
edit: I just noticed another problem. You can get the submissive fun feat from Nermine's bargin bin. I do not believe that there is anything in the code that would prevent you from getting the Submissive feat from the event, even if you have the funfeat Dominant.
Last edited by galeblaze on Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby TigerStripes » Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:29 pm

galeblaze wrote:This is a minor suggestion for a minor fix in the game. On Hyper Squirrel.i7x line 118 I would suggest adding a little correction at this color, and removing at this color. I underlined the code because the colors I am using as indicators as to what sould be changed would not have shown up for the code part if I placed code tags around the the words.
Modify it? [link]Light (1)[as]1[end link], [link]Standard (2)[as]2[end link], [link]Heavy (3)[as]3[end link] or [end link]No Change (0)[as]0[end link]?";

Thanks for catching that. I'll send an update for it a little later.
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