Re: Q&A about Critter Fun

Krux wrote:So...I payed close attention to the Tenrec...and during any scene it's described as an Otter-Shrew. The thing is, when I google both, Tenrec and Otter-Shrews are two different animals (In fact, a Tenrec was the type of animal Shadow the Hedgehog was meant to be in the beginning of development of Sonic Adventure 2).
So, is this some kind of confusion or did I miss something about Tenrecs and Otter-Shrews?
After a quick perusal of Wikipedia as a reminder, tenrecs represent a family of animals (of 37 known species) with considerable morphological diversity and not one single animal. Among those is the subfamily Potamogalinae, which has three different species of 'otter shrew'. There is a 'common tenrec' among the tenrecs, but the tenrecs found in the city are based on some form of the otter-shrews, as they are aquatic carnivores.