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Suggestions Wanted

Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:09 pm
by Blue Bishop
If you have any suggestions for new or existing content, feel free to express them here!
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:11 am
by cmacleod42
I always wanted pregnancies for Colleen, on the pet path. I see you can sex her up on the non-sex path now (I have not tried yet), so maybe there too.
Also maybe a bug or a suggestion but it seems Vanessa gets pregnant, you get messages about thinking about her, like you get with other NPC's once they give birth, but her description does not indicate anything (after her full centaur transformation)
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:18 am
by Savriss
I had some thoughts on pregnancies with Coleen, as well.
I thought it'd be an interesting quest if it turned out she was infertile and you had to enlist Medea's help.
Personally, I'd also rather keep her in the endings rather than palming her off on some general.
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:54 pm
by leodreal
I'd like to see some Projects that have been dropped in the middle to at least reach a Point were they dont feel so incomplete. Dont say you have to finish them or even make them that big, just not like dead ends.
For example, Equinoid village, Randy in the zoo, Alexandra good cop, Karen, Mc Dermotts farm, Blanche...
Some of them might be worked on as we speak, and some might be written by people that are not in that much in Contact with you (right now or any at all). But to at least reach a stage were they arent just dropped mid sentance pretty much.
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:06 am
by Savriss
I also hate unfinished projects but I'm guilty of this myself.
Best game of it's kind and still look at updates daily but I got a bit disillusioned over some things.
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:52 pm
by sb2
Unless I'm missing it, it'd be nice to have a way to lock yourself into more intersexed varieties, namely 'shemales' and 'cuntboys'. You can use Bouncy Bouncy and Flat Chested to help a little, but neither really work, especially in the former's case if you dislike multiple breasts (as you can't take it alongside One Pair).
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:12 pm
by Ultipand
I think an awesome addition to Camp Bravo would be doing something to make the Minotaur infectious. You convince the soldiers to start letting female soldiers be with him, and then he starts turning both them and the males into his cows, until it is Camp Bovine. And possibly the player could join in too~

Re: Suggestions Wanted

Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:22 pm
by Krux
Well, I'd like a gorilla enemy (A group of gorillas are mentioned in the College Campus intro but that's it)
Other thing: I found interesting the Sierrasaur "Sub battle" system. It'd be cool if it could be used for other enemies (Male Wyvern) and/or situations (Maybe something like your character getting captured and either break free and escape or abide and let your captor do what he/she pleases).
This is not a suggestion but a curiosity: Why isn't the Grizzly Bear enemy at the zoo isn't mentioned at all in the game's wiki?
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:08 pm
by Blue Bishop
Krux wrote:Other thing: I found interesting the Sierrasaur "Sub battle" system. It'd be cool if it could be used for other enemies (Male Wyvern) and/or situations (Maybe something like your character getting captured and either break free and escape or abide and let your captor do what he/she pleases).
Expect more in the future.
Krux wrote:This is not a suggestion but a curiosity: Why isn't the Grizzly Bear enemy at the zoo isn't mentioned at all in the game's wiki?
The Grizzly is a guest contribution and, since we don't have anybody exclusively dedicated to maintaining the Wiki and rely on the rule-of-thumb of updating the wiki on a basis of monsters you update, he likely didn't add an entry after putting in the encounter. I'm sure I'll get around to it.
Re: Suggestions Wanted

Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:03 pm
by KiWolfGirl
I posted a big idea before the boards went down never really checked to see if there were any repsonses. I mentioned in it that i found it in a document i wrote with other ideas, so i can always repost it but anyway these were also in the document so i thought i'd post them! I remember a while ago you guys were asking about new special attacks for creatures, this was when you started changing bearhug attacks to special attacks that kept hitting until you escape and i said you could make the naga constrict you like that too. I remember Stripes or someone said theyd like to think of ones more creative than more attacks like that so it made me think of some ideas. I know the wrestling wolf already has that one signture move and a bearhug but i also thought what if he had like sexual submissions too. Like maybe he puts you in a move and if you are male or female, it would be different. Some moves that already look like rapes like
boston crab clutch stretch think that maybe it could be a hold that damages and gives libido. Maybe have it so that if you dont break out after a few turns, you submit to the hold and it goes into a special sex scene directly from that hold.