I'm just wondering if I am the only one who has a problem with the combat system as it stands now. To me, it seems to be too bloody and violent for a game of this nature. As an example, let's say that you are fighting a Female Husky. You are using your pocketknife as a weapon. You whittle her down to just a couple hit points and the description says that she is at death's door. You deliver the final blow, and then proceed to have your way sexually with a character who is nearly dead, obviously hacked up and bleed profusely from the knife wounds you inflicted on her. And, then, after you porked the poor things brains out, you slap her on her ass and she leaves, apparently now none the worse for wear. This game uses the MUD style combat system as is, which was influenced many, many years ago by D&D. There has to be a better way to accomplish what we want to do in a less hack-n-slashy, MUD style way. This game uses the MUD style combat system as is, which was influenced many, many years ago by D&D.
Thoughts about this? Or does this not bother anyone else?