Typos and Bugs

Typos and Bugs

Postby Blue Bishop » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:08 pm

If you encounter and writing or coding errors in your gameplay experience, please bring it up here!

Note: When reporting a bug, consider grabbing the Serial Number of your build, so a developer can know which build is causing the error. You can find the number after starting a fresh game.

An example of what you're looking for is thus:

Release 57 / Serial number 140622 / Inform 7 build 6L02 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N)

Thank you!
Last edited by Blue Bishop on Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby MetreMaidPlayer » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:52 am

So, I found a seemingly small typo. When you first encounter Private Jackson, in the Captured Demon Scene, there's no mention of his chest being scratched or bloodied, nor of you bandaging him. However, when you have the Demon Brute as a pet, the first scene with them interacting with them refers to there having been an injury to his chest.

After the demon vanishes, you take care of Private Jackson, who’s still rather groggy from
being choked and manhandled like that. He dresses as good as he can with the remains of his
uniform and ends up looking more like a male stripper than a soldier, with all the naked skin
he’s showing. Looks rather hot, but since his thoughts are anywhere but at sex right now, you
wish him the best as he moves out to rejoin his unit.

Seems like there should be some mention of a wound on his chest. The closest it gets to mentioning any sort of chest action is

Chuckling in a deep gravelly voice, the demon says “Did you really think it’d be that easy to
capture a soldier of the infernal legion? You’ll pay for your insolence!” and rips the soldier’s
uniform off his body. Carrying the man to the bar, the demon bends him over it and gives his ass
a hard slap, leaving a reddening hand-print on the pale flesh of the young soldier’s right bun. “If
you try running, I’ll disembowel you. But feel free to struggle and scream - I like it.” the demon
says, then grabs his massive erection and strokes it.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:16 am

MetreMaidPlayer wrote:Missing scars

Hmm, yes - that whole project started out as one event, then I added David as an npc, then I was commissioned to spin a story with him and Brutus. Totally forgot to go back and add in something about his wound in the original event, thanks for catching that one, I appreciate the help.

So how about this:
Code: Select all
   say "     Chuckling in a deep gravelly voice, the demon says 'Did you really think it'd be that easy to capture a soldier of the infernal legion? You'll pay for your insolence!' and rips the soldier's uniform off his body. With an evil chuckle, the brutish demon uses his sharp nails to give him some shallow, bleeding scratches, then murmurs something you can't quite make out and there is a short purple flash between them. Carrying his captive to the bar, the creature then bends him over it and gives his ass a hard slap, leaving a reddening hand-print on the pale flesh of the young soldier's right bun. 'If you try running, I'll disembowel you. But feel free to struggle and scream - I like it.' the demon says, then grabs his massive erection and strokes it.";

Code: Select all
         say "     After the demon vanishes, you take care of Private Jackson, who's still rather groggy from being choked and manhandled like that. You help him by tying the shreds of his shirt around his wounded chest as an improvised bandage and also to get his now ragged pants back on. With all the naked skin he's showing, the realization how handsome he is prods awake your libido, but since his thoughts are anywhere but at sex right now, you wish him the best as he moves out to rejoin his unit.";

PS: Looks like an event of Elijah's overlaid the David/Brutus walk-in you mentioned not coming up earlier. I did some testing and finally put in a bit of debug code to find and now it should be fixed. Should there still be any problems, just say so and I'll have another look.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby MetreMaidPlayer » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:45 am

Wahn wrote:
MetreMaidPlayer wrote:Missing scars

That looks really good, ties in nicely to what happens later at the bunker conversation wise. Also awesome that you found that bug.

Found a new typo. At the zoo with Angie, during a random talk, she says

“I love watching the way Midnight moves,” Angie says with a happy smile, “I often find myself
actually MIMICing Midnight when he prowls around the shop, it makes me feel so much more
like a proper little panther when I do...”

I figure we were aiming for Mimicking, but the command works as mimicing, so really the only problem is the way its emphasized

Just realized why its emphasized that way, my bad. Must have set something off cause it looks funny
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby cmacleod42 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:56 am

Not sure if this is a bug or whta. I had noticed the Feat "Litter Bearer" seems to be lees effective than advertised

Greatly increases the chance of multiple children in one birth - twins or more at over 50% chance.

In the code (story.ml)
Code: Select all
            let z be 1;
            let fer be 0;
            if "Fertile" is listed in feats of player:
               increase fer by 3;
            if "Litter Bearer" is listed in feats of player:
               increase fer by 12;
            if a random chance of (1 + fer) in 100 succeeds:
               increase z by 1;
            if a random chance of (3 + fer) in 100 succeeds:
               increase z by 1;
            if a random chance of (5 + fer) in 100 succeeds:
               increase z by 1;
            if a random chance of fer in 100 succeeds:
               increase z by 1;
            if a random chance of fer in 100 succeeds:
               increase z by 1;
            if z > 4, now z is 4;      [extra chance, still limited to 4]

So Litter Bearer make it a 12% chance of multiple births. These do not quite add as such as you have several tests of 12-17% chance. These do not really add (ie 12 + 12 + 12 etc)

This is really a quibble I suppose as I had seen single births often and for instance Quadruples quite rare.

A suggestion is increase the effect higher than 12, say 24 or if you prefer the current balance can I suggest altering the text for the feat
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby nukuv » Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:12 pm

You don't seem to be reading that code quite right.

First, there are multiple rolls. Second, 'fer' is an increase in chance. So instead of 0, 0, 1, 3, and 5% chances of extra kids, you now have 12, 12, 13, 15, and 20% chances at extra kids. Since all are rolled, this is a pretty hefty increase in odds.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby TigerStripes » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:40 pm

MetreMaidPlayer wrote:...MIMICing Midnight...

Well, it is a typo that the word's spelled incorrectly in a few spots, but the capitalization's correct. Also, it's designed to accept either spelling. I'll send a spelling correction along later.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Songbird » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:30 pm

Couple of typos and a possible code bug in Lisa the Mouse Taur.

Possible bug:

Code: Select all
understand "fuck Lisa" as mousefucking;
understand "fuck Lisa" as mousefucking;

-repeated statement in Section three.


Code: Select all
She latches onto one of your members and begins to guzzle down the bitter salty offering as she begins painted in the remaining seed across hair and shoulders, her hands still stroking and pulling, draining you thoroughly.

How about: and begins to guzzle down the bitter salty offering, painting the remaining seed across her hair and shoulders, clever hands still stroking and pulling, draining you thoroughly.

Code: Select all
She stretches out slowly, 'I am going to take a shower, Meet you back in front?'

Either the comma should be a period or 'Meet' should be lowercase.

Code: Select all
say "She Nods and raises her hands

'Nods' should be lowercase.

Code: Select all
She goes red in the ears as it nudges at her, then it worked into her trembling form.

'it worked' could be 'it's worked' or 'it is worked'

Code: Select all
Eyes wide at the sight, you pad forward, one par reaching instinctively to rub at that perfect, mousy, rear.

'par' should be 'paw' or 'hand', depending on intent.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby TigerStripes » Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:44 pm

Songbird wrote:<Lisa the Mouse Taur>

I've made corrections for the issues you pointed out. I'll send them along shortly.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby soul4hdwn » Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:31 am

saw a comment in the blog saying that wyvern do not appear if female is banned even if "male prefered" is in feat list of player. i couldn't find where it messed up, but the commenter is true, both male and female version of wyvern do not appear when female is banned.
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