Typos and Bugs

Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Coalsack » Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:55 pm

My player was a male with 100 humanity at the ending, and I didn't saw any of those texts. And what's the text with the typo supposed to say?
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:35 am

Coalsack wrote:My player was a male with 100 humanity at the ending, and I didn't saw any of those texts. And what's the text with the typo supposed to say?

Ah, I see the problem - the original writer made a mistake in the code. It is
Code: Select all
bodyname is "Peacock"
where it should say
Code: Select all
bodyname of player is "Peacock"
. Will fix it and attach it to an update over the weekend most likely...

That still leaves the ending woefully short, but at least there'll be something instead of nothing.The whole peacock creature could use some work.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Coalsack » Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:47 am

True. Specially with that Dmitri new guy. Some endings may involve him.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby wyvvern » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:36 am

Haven't played this in a while. Came back to see what was new. First new quest I find is the one from Kyle at the bookstore. Head off to the High Rise District to look for his friend Gerty. Couldn't find him.

Checked the code. Discover the event I'm looking for is called "Angry Snake." Game tells me "Perhaps you should try looking somewhere closer to what you seek..."

Double-checked the code. (Kyle.i7x)

Code: Select all
Angry Snake is a situation.
The level of Angry Snake is 4.
The sarea of Angry Snake is "High Rise District".

The sarea of this event should be "High". There is no area labeled internally "High Rise District". The event can't be procced, the quest can't be completed, which means none of the subsequent interactions with Kyle or Gerty are ever available.
Amazed no one caught this bug, tbh.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:23 am

wyvvern wrote:Haven't played this in a while. Came back to see what was new. First new quest I find is the one from Kyle at the bookstore. Head off to the High Rise District to look for his friend Gerty. Couldn't find him.

Checked the code. Discover the event I'm looking for is called "Angry Snake." Game tells me "Perhaps you should try looking somewhere closer to what you seek..."

Double-checked the code. (Kyle.i7x)

Code: Select all
Angry Snake is a situation.
The level of Angry Snake is 4.
The sarea of Angry Snake is "High Rise District".

The sarea of this event should be "High". There is no area labeled internally "High Rise District". The event can't be procced, the quest can't be completed, which means none of the subsequent interactions with Kyle or Gerty are ever available.
Amazed no one caught this bug, tbh.

Ah, thanks for reporting this. The hunting code was simpler before, letting partial matches go through, so the game could find "High" in "High Rise District". To avoid some other problems, we changed things to require exact matching, which did bring this new error to the forefront. I'll fix it and include it in an update tomorrow.
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Sane Endings

Postby DovahKing51 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:34 am

There is an unnecessary space in the sane ending for the Margay infection, and an extra period in its head description. Also, I feel like the Ashen Breeder sane ending needs an overhaul. I play as a pure female with that. When it only says "a addax antelope for one male", I feel like it's not that big of a deal. Just a thought.
Last edited by DovahKing51 on Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tigress Hooker Crash

Postby DovahKing51 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:38 am

When I hunt for the Tigress Hooker, the game crashes.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Servanash » Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:27 am

Can’t exit the menu in the confession booth at the beach, giving me only the options to ask what this place is, confess, and ask about freeing Brutus from his evil (didn’t have the required amount of water bottles)
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:10 pm

Servanash wrote:Can’t exit the menu in the confession booth at the beach, giving me only the options to ask what this place is, confess, and ask about freeing Brutus from his evil (didn’t have the required amount of water bottles)

Hm, yeah that is a problem. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll change how the confession menu is set up and include that in the next update package.
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Re: Tigress Hooker Crash

Postby Wahn » Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:15 pm

DovahKing51 wrote:When I hunt for the Tigress Hooker, the game crashes.

Haven't been able to reproduce this, I'm afraid.

Please do tell me the game version and serial you are playing with (which is shown when you use the "version" command). Also, if you are playing online or offline with the raw game file; which interpreter you are using; if you are banning/warding anything in your playthrough; what exactly you are searching and where. A log of the crash would be helpful too.
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