I was doing a play through when I noticed that I can't save Joanna in the Overrun Garden event anymore.
I was over level 8 and had been told by Harold at The Palomino that she hadn't been around. Usually when I've done that I face against a 100 HP Parasitic Plant and the garden is unlocked. So far every time I've tried it lately I face a 40 HP Parasitic Plant and Joanna can't be saved.
It's kind of a downer because I enjoy the "saving people" aspect of the game. I occasionally see myself, not simply walking from one location to another but bravely bounding in a superhero-esque stride, cape and tail (if applicable) blowing in the wind as I hum a triumphant tune and occasionally saying "Fear not mutated and/or mysteriously-unmutated citizenry! You shall be defended from evil by your brave champion Fire Fox!" I then imagine being served a cease and desist order by Alex the ferret lawyer and going reluctantly back to regular walking.
But I digress.
Edit: Also...let me know if I should have posted this somewhere else.