GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2017]

GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2017]

Postby executaball » Sat May 27, 2017 12:00 pm

FlexEdit v2.1.3
Suggestions / Bug reports:
New Changes
Note: Extended changelog can be found in post #2


A few weeks ago I set out to create an editor to make 'save editing' simple and safe. Finally I've got something I feel like can be released, so here is the first public beta release of FlexEdit.

More Info at:

Screenshots (Taken on v2.0.16 Beta)


More information is in the README. The program does not have to be 'installed' to run. However you do need at least Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7. (If you are running Windows 10, you most likely already have this.) If you do not have this, please use the following link to update your .NET framework.

Please leave a comment to let me know what you think! Even if you did not download the program! You can reach with a PM or email '' for faster response! If you decide to get it and encounter a problem, I will try to assist you in every way possible! Please send me a message!
Last edited by executaball on Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:39 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Extended Changelog and To-Do

Postby executaball » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:58 am

> Smart Saveword versioning integration for future updates
> ? Suggest a feature by commenting


6/4/2017 - v2.1.2 -> Out of beta! Finished annotations and variable naming for all 3 saveword parts. Bug fixes and legacy code cleanup. First release version. (Can be installed via autoupdater included from v2.1.1-beta)

6/4/2017 - v2.1.1 beta -> Implemented updater, settings screen, and automatic backups on save to file. Raw variable edits, backup file creation, and autoupdates can all now be configured in the settings screen.

5/28/2017 - v2.0.16 beta -> Fixed a potential bug that blocked app startup, preparations for autoupdater (not yet included)

5/28/2017 - v2.0.15 beta -> Rewritten code in preparation for update system, icon and ui changes, revamped annotation system, numerous bug fixes.

5/21/2017 - v2.0.14 beta -> Major UI overhaul, file save/load system, many other additions

5/11/2017 - v1.0.7 alpha -> HOTFIX build. Fixed major issue of crashing when clicking export button with an empty database (saveword not loaded). Improved general error handling as well. Using official microsoft API now. Still wouldn't call error handling 'robust' though.

5/10/2017 - v1.0.6 alpha -> First prerelease public build, major framework complete but major functions missing. Demonstration build only. Advise against using.
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby ryuzakku » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:41 am

Whenever I try to load it I get an error saying there are too many variables if I try to load via code, and when I try to load via save, when I pick the save location it doesn't work either.

I have no idea how to use this program.
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby executaball » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:47 am

ryuzakku wrote:Whenever I try to load it I get an error saying there are too many variables if I try to load via code, and when I try to load via save, when I pick the save location it doesn't work either.

I have no idea how to use this program.

Hi I'll be glad to help with your issue. What version of Flexible Survival and FlexEdit are you using? You can get the version number of Flexible Survival on launching the game, and you may click on the info button in FlexEdit to see it's version number.
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby bluefoxdragon » Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:55 pm

Having a problem with the window seeming to not be at long as it should be, meaning I can't click on the raw values section, and I can't see alot of other things, or scroll down in anyway. Help?
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby bluefoxdragon » Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:31 am

Has this project been dropped?
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby darkoraclegirl » Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:22 pm

I hope this hasn't been abandoned, seeing how there's no way to current edit saves with the current version of the game.
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby Wahn » Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:22 pm

darkoraclegirl wrote:I hope this hasn't been abandoned, seeing how there's no way to current edit saves with the current version of the game.

There is a way - all the files are pure text, though words in them are shown as their ascii numbers. Not too hard to translate back so you can see what's written (I posted an Excel makro to do so on the Discord too).
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby darkoraclegirl » Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:35 pm

Wahn wrote:
darkoraclegirl wrote:I hope this hasn't been abandoned, seeing how there's no way to current edit saves with the current version of the game.

There is a way - all the files are pure text, though words in them are shown as their ascii numbers. Not too hard to translate back so you can see what's written (I posted an Excel makro to do so on the Discord too).

I'm not on Discord sadly.
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Re: GUI Saveword Editor - FlexEdit [v2.1.3] [For September 2

Postby angstrom » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:25 am

Wahn wrote:
darkoraclegirl wrote:I hope this hasn't been abandoned, seeing how there's no way to current edit saves with the current version of the game.

There is a way - all the files are pure text, though words in them are shown as their ascii numbers. Not too hard to translate back so you can see what's written (I posted an Excel makro to do so on the Discord too).

Yeah, but it's difficult to figure out what's stored in each file when you're just a regular player and not a developer

Plus translating real words to ascii to enter back into those files (to add perks for example) is a nightmare

Unfortunately it seems like this save editor's been abandoned for quite a while now
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