A question about Savewords.

A question about Savewords.

Postby typoking1107 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:17 am

So I already know that your pets and inventory don't transfer over, but do the events that you've encountered also not transfer? Like, say I've rescued David and met him a few times outside the library, would I have to do the rescuing him event again? For that matter, if I haven't fully unlocked Camp Bravo as a place to navigate to, but my character has visited there and tried (and failed) to get in, do I have to do all of the events necessary to unlock Camp Bravo again?
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Re: A question about Savewords.

Postby Wahn » Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:10 am

The saveword system is a handmade method to transfer your most important progress to a new game version - it is far from covering everything that you can have done and visited, but will cover the important bits. For example bringing in various npcs, taming some specific pets, etc. The inventory will actually be written into a file too and be saved.

As you basically start a new game in the new game version, the default for all events and exploration will be "not done/found". In regards to Camp Bravo... if you do go through the trouble to get there, talk your way in and cause Adam the half-minotaur to be born and chat with him - that is one aspect saved through a saveword character. Then you won't have to go through it all again and will know where the camp is right after reciting your saveword.
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Re: A question about Savewords.

Postby Wahn » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:27 pm

andyson wrote:i dont see any imps or new npc in the new version after acquiring elijah.


Check this thread:
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