Time Limit

Time Limit

Postby Ajnin » Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:35 pm

Is there a way to get a "sandbox" mode, so you do not have a time limit?
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Re: Time Limit

Postby wolfwing » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:51 am

There already is, from start go outside, then type, iwannacheat, it has thigns you can do, helpful for testing, or like with me that hate time limits you can remove it and remove food so you can just explore.
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Re: Time Limit

Postby Lithophene » Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:30 am

Click on "iwannacheat" if you have hyperlinks enabled when talking to Trixie at the Library to access the cheat menu. "Play On" disables the game from ending. Just don't freak out if the timer starts going into the negatives. :lol:
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Re: Time Limit

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:34 pm

Without using the cheat, you can earn unlimited time from Diego, the Coyote found at the entrance to the park.

Talk to him once to unlock the option to Trick Diego every 18 hours. It's an intelligence check that can earn you an extra 18 hours or an extra 2 days and 6 hours depending on how good you do.

Finally, when starting the game you can select "Forgotten" mode. This time, the military has already been through and they left you behind. Some NPCs are removed from the game, though.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: Time Limit

Postby Ajnin » Thu May 05, 2016 11:31 am

Thanks for the help :)
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Re: Time Limit

Postby Wahn » Sat May 14, 2016 11:03 pm

Additionally, there's the catapult event you can find near the library - shoot cum at the military for a large time boost. Also, you can "win" extra time in Nermine's bargain bin.
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