I've been thinking about this topic since the the appearance of the first blog posts regarding it.
Inform (and other text adventure kits) come with a variety of problems, not least of which is that they are competing with graphics for attention. They can also have odd structure and practically occult compiling issues. On the other hand, they also have active communities and have already faced many of the problems that will confront active development. Whether or not Flexible Survival has become one of the largest children of these systems, there are people who are not involved in the game itself who can provide valuable insight into the surrounding system.
HTML5 is all well and good but coding the system from scratch comes with some daunting drawbacks. For starters, It's a complete paradigm shift that rests largely on the shoulders of one person and that can make for a completely inscrutable development environment. This can work when there is a very focused team led by a carefully controlled design drive but, in my experience, it is badly suited to work by a collective with loose governance. So far as I am aware, Flexible Survival sits squarely in the latter category and this worries me; If and when the lead designer moves on, are there any plans for making handovers smooth and effective?
I have very mixed feelings about this change of direction. I think the Patreon drive is an excellent initiative and that the game needs new eyes but systemic change is always risky.
[Edited to improve grammar]