Save File Location?

Save File Location?

Postby Kitsune Lord Momiji » Tue Dec 25, 2018 5:29 pm

When you make a save in FS, where does the file save? I tried looking for it in AppData, but I can't find it. I'm trying to transfer my browser save over to the offline version, but there seems to be no way to do that.
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Kitsune Lord Momiji
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Re: Save File Location?

Postby Kitsune Lord Momiji » Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:59 am

Is there at least a way to level up quickly now that Save Words are gone?
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Re: Save File Location?

Postby dragontamer8740 » Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:59 pm

I mean, technically, yes, it is possible; if you use the 'export' function the save data will be written to LocalStorage. Unfortunately it's a little complicated to extract it from there, and I don't really know a good way to explain it that I know you'd be able to follow without knowing your browser of choice.

In any event, navigate your browser to . The normal online version was inside an 'iframe,' and due to security restrictions you need to be on the page that was within the iframe in order to be able to access its data via console.

Code: Select all

at that console would give you a string that represented all the bytes in an FSPossessionSave (sic) file, in text form. I believe you'd need to convert that to a binary file where each number got translated into a byte. The result should still technically be a text file, but in the format other interpreters would expect.

This has not been tested very thoroughly, (I have not done any further than the step in the code block, but my intuition and prior knowledge indicates this is probable), but there you have it.
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Re: Save File Location?

Postby Kitsune Lord Momiji » Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:30 pm

Took a while, but I found the answer on how to edit your save files now.

Alright, figured out how to do it because Save Words aren't a thing anymore. Still just as effortless.
On the latest build, after you start a character a file called FSCharacterSave.GLKData will be created. Save your game to create the file then close it to prevent shenanigans. Open FSCharacterSave with wordpad or at least something with a search function. The baseline states for a new character is 17 12 12 12 12 12 if you put your starting stat bonus in strength. Just Ctrl+F "12 12 12" or some shit.
Those are your six stats. In order: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Perception, Intelligence.

Change all that shit to 200. High enough to one shot dragons with your barefists and more than enough to meet the stat requirement for every perk in the game, but low enough to play nice with stat calculations. Save the file, and open the game up again restoring your save. You'll be a freshly born lad/lass who's /litfit/ like Zyzz and Steven Hawking's love child, and ready to get their Chad on with any wasteland critter who looks like they need some fuck.

Just remember to ward/ban any fetishes you're not into during character creation beforehand.
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