--Er, I mean, GREETINGS, my twisted termites, my wanton wordsmiths, my... baudy bookworms (Curses, I should've used book!)! I see a lot have developed an interest in writing for Flexible Survival, but it's clear that many of you are ill-educated in the ways of perverted prose! For that reason, I have begun building a series of tutorials explaining how best to present your tainted text! Let's begin, shall we?
Chapter 1: Player Loss
Player loss, the content wherein the player loses to a monster and their sordid fate is described in shamelessly exacting detail. While this isn't the first thing the player or the writer encounters, it's what you'll find most players will pursue. There's also a lot to talk about regarding it, so that's where we're going to start.
Subchapter 1-1: Basic Sex Trees
The "Sex Tree" is the protocol that determines what scene the player experiences in a given encounter. In most cases the tree isn't particularly big and often merged with the "Sex Pool" unless the monster has a very large selection of scenes and they need to be separated.
Let's start by talking about the baseline expectation for an encounter in terms of scene number:
- Males: ~3
- Females: ~2
- Herms: ~3-4
This is, of course, not all the scenes an encounter can contain, but we'll go into more gimmicky content further down the line.
The standard sex tree for Males is as followed:
- Code: Select all
to say malemonsterplayerloss:
if anallevel is not 1 and (cunts of player is 0 or anallevel is 3) and (a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Anal player catching scene.";
otherwise if cunts of player > 0 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "Cunt player catching scene.";
say "Oral Player Giving scene.";
For Females:
- Code: Select all
to say femalemonsterplayerloss:
if cocks of player > 0 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "Cunt player pitching scene.";
say "Oral Player Giving scene.";
For Herms (Herms are a little more complicated, this assumes a versatile herm with the maximum of basic scenes, dominant herms that will not cunt catch are basically identical to males):
- Code: Select all
to say hermmonsterplayerloss:
if anallevel is not 1 and (cunts of player is 0 or anallevel is 3) and (a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Anal player catching scene.";
otherwise if cunts of player > 0 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "Cunt player catching scene.";
otherwise if cocks of player > 0 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "Cunt player pitching scene.";
say "Oral Player Giving scene.";
Now then, let's break this down and explain why this tree is the way it is:
- Anal Tier: This tier entails any anal content for the encounter, and applies to both males and females on the receiving end. anallevel determines whether or not the player wants this content.
One means no anal content, so it must not be 1 for the scene to fire off. 2 is normal, meaning males are fine with it but don't go crazy. 3 is more, and if a female has more anal active, it's a clear telegraphing that they want the content as well, so the scene makes sure players have no cunt unless anallevel is explicitly at more.
This also, of course, also applies to monsters who are keen on "Power bottoming", and such a check would be thus:- Code: Select all
if anallevel is not 1 and cocks of player > 0 and (a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
This could also be considered a gimmick scene, but we'll get into gimmick scenes later. - Vaginal Tier: This tier entails any cunt content for the encounter, and applies to females catching, or males pitching, or herms in either position.
For herms, determining if your monster is keen to do it is something you must consider. More dominant herms may not be inclined, while more reproductive ones will be more willing to consider it. Herms -- as versatile as their assets are -- are somewhat "Hetero-sapphic" in their popular useage, meaning they will only interact in a "Straight" way (they will not penetrate males) or in a lesbian way (Herms are generally a way to introduce male genitalia into a scene without any actual males, but this line of discussion is wholly irrelevant so I'll leave it at that).
There's also some matter of whether the player/monster will fit, but I'll get to that in a bit. - Oral Tier: This tier entails the monster receiving oral sex from the player. It is at the bottom because it's guaranteed, no matter what the player is, that they can have this scene without any conflicts. It's about as basic as sex can get.
In regards to herm monsters, you'll probably want to default to cock oral, since it's the most "Apparent" organ when visualizing the scene. Nobody's saying you can't have both, of course, if you're willing to do the extra work.
While this is a key template to start from, it's not set in stone, you'll just want a good reason for doing something different. When considering a different scene, ask what purpose the scene your replacing fills. For example, the oral scene is a basic scene that can be experienced by any player configuration, so as long as it adheres to that purpose you'll be fine. However, your scene may simply be too peculiar to replace with these basic segments, which leads to the next matter of expansion...
Subchapter 1-2: Gimmick-expanded Sex Trees
Perhaps you're keen on fetishistic content that you want to apply on top of a monster. Hard or soft, it's considered a "Gimmick" scene -- something unique that the monster provides from other ones. The basic gist of this matter is that you want to apply it "on top" of your existing encounters, gimmickies first.
There's two "Tiers" of gimmick scenes, we'll call them hard and soft. Hard scenes are extremely contextual and require some very key attributes, and it's mostly reserved for "Touched by Madness", but any quest-based scene or more complicated works usually fits here as well. Soft scenes can vary wildly, from the "Hardest" (Vore/UB/WS) to the "Softest" (Rimming/Spanking).
But how does this apply to the sex tree? Here's an example:
- Code: Select all
to say malemonsterplayerloss:
if "Touched By Madness" is listed in feats of player and (a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds)):
say "Touched by Madness Scene.";
otherwise if vorelevel is not 1 and (a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds) or (vorelevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Vore Particular scene.";
otherwise if anallevel is not 1 and (cunts of player is 0 or anallevel is 3) and (a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Anal player catching scene.";
otherwise if cunts of player > 0 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "Cunt player catching scene.";
say "Oral Player Giving scene.";
As you can see, the tree has bloated up a bit with a few lines of new if statements. The top one--the most gimmicky--is a TBM scene while below that is a standard vore scene. Consider variables that dictate the accessibility of content when writing these if statements (like vorelevel and unbirthlevel).
But why on top? Well, this is mostly so that certain attributes can more easily augment the chances of an encounter. You'll notice that the Kinky feat allows a second roll for the content to happen. Here's what happens if you put that same vore scene at the bottom:
- Code: Select all
to say malemonsterplayerloss:
if "Touched By Madness" is listed in feats of player and (a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds)):
say "Touched by Madness Scene.";
otherwise if vorelevel is not 1 and (a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds) or (vorelevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Vore Particular scene.";
otherwise if anallevel is not 1 and (cunts of player is 0 or anallevel is 3) and (((a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds and vorelevel is 1) or a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds) or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Anal player catching scene.";
otherwise if cunts of player > 0 and ((vorelevel is 1 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds) or a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds):
say "Cunt player catching scene.";
otherwise vorelevel is 1 or (a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds):
say "Oral Player Giving scene.";
say "Vore Particular scene.";
Now the encounter is a lot more confusing and bloated, as I now have to reduce the roll chance for every other encounter if vorelevel is not a 1. Worse yet, vorelevel 3 or Kinky can no longer augment your chances (Not without making the tree completely insane). This is why you want your gimmicks on top.
But wait, there's more!
Subchapter 1-3: Advanced Sex Trees
First off, you'll notice -- beyond a few things like anal and vore level -- that none of these encounters have any sort of size requirement. This is actually kinda silly when you think about it, especially when you consider how massive the monster or the player can get, in both assets and sheer size. Let's break it down, shall we?
- Gimmick Tier: Requirements are highly contextual here. For example, with vore, you probably want players to have a scale of 3 or lower for the scene to fire off. TBM usually requires some ancillary feat to figure out that you want the weird scene, like Mpreg.
- Anal Tier: Since there's no "Anal size" here, scalevalue is used instead. In most cases, this only comes into play if the monster is very well endowed. Note that if the player is twistcapped, then they can get away with more extreme penetration. In terms of player penetrating the monster, simply consider the limits of what someone could take with a certain cock size (Cock length is a value, in inches, so it's easy to determine), you can "Stretch" the limits of what someone can reasonable take, but it's ideal not to completely break the rules here.
- Vaginal Tier: There's a bit of over-complication right now with cunt value, since you have cunt width and cunt length. For simplicity's sake, just ignore cunt width and use cunt length as the meter for limitations. Otherwise, the same applies as above.
- Oral Tier: No limitations! Isn't it great? Even an extremely well-endowed creature can be attended to in this manner.
Now then, I'll give you a male monster example of how this plays out:
- Code: Select all
to say malemonsterplayerloss:
if "Touched By Madness" is listed in feats of player and "Mpreg" is listed in feats of player and (a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds)):
say "Touched by Madness Scene involving mpreg.";
otherwise if vorelevel is not 1 and scalevalue of player < 4 (a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds) or (vorelevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Vore Particular scene.";
otherwise if anallevel is not 1 and (cunts of player is 0 or anallevel is 3) and (scalevalue of player > 3 or player is twistcapped) and (a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "Anal player catching scene with a really well endowed monster.";
otherwise if cunts of player > 0 and cunt length of player > 13 a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "Cunt player catching scene with a really well endowed monster.";
say "Oral Player Giving scene.";
Whew, this tree is getting some pretty big if statements! Thankfully, that's about as big as they'll ever get, any bigger and you're probably doing something weird.
--One last thing, however! If you have a really big selection of scenes to choose from, it's probably best to pull the sex pool from the tree so you can see things easier, here's how that works:
- Code: Select all
to say malemonsterplayerloss:
if "Touched By Madness" is listed in feats of player and "Mpreg" is listed in feats of player and (a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds)):
say "[tbmscene]";
otherwise if vorelevel is not 1 and scalevalue of player < 4 (a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds or ("Kinky" is listed in feats of player and a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds) or (vorelevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "[vorescene]";
otherwise if anallevel is not 1 and (cunts of player is 0 or anallevel is 3) and (scalevalue of player > 3 or player is twistcapped) and (a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds or (anallevel is 3 and a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds)):
say "[analscene]";
otherwise if cunts of player > 0 and cunt length of player > 13 a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
say "[cuntscene]";
say "[oralscene]";
to say tbmscene:
say "Touched by madness scene.";
to say vorescene:
say "Vore Scene.";
to say analscene:
say "Anal scene.";
to say cuntscene:
say "Cunt scene.";
to say oralscene:
say "Oral Scene.";
As you can see, this bloats up your encounter vertically, but it also makes referencing content much easier. If you end up with a very big tree, it'll no doubt become a pain to wade through it and find what you're looking for, and this helps alleviate that. Just be sure that the "To say" routine calls upon a name that's very specific or you'll create conflicts([catcunt] may already be used, and if not, someone might try using it in the future).
But all we've talked about is trees, man. Well, then, let's get wet, shall we?
Subchapter 2-1: Sex Pools Introduction
I shouldn't really need to explain to you on how to write sex, you massive pervert! I bet you're already brimming with ideas so lewd your family'd probably disown you for them if uncle Steve wasn't clearly masturbating to it on the other side of the table (Still a better thanksgiving than usual, at least). That being said, there are a lot of rules to abide by and tools to use when doing this, so let's get elbow deep into this jizz-stained turkey.
Subchapter 2-2: Setting and Content rules
I'm not going to explain FS's story to you in detail, you could dig for that yourself. Suffice it to say, unless you're doing something really out there, you should be okay, but here's the crash course:
Everything has gone to shit, what few unbroken condoms remain have grown to the size of skyscrapers and are making it very difficult to enter and leave buildings--...Oh, wait, sorry, I'm being told that such a thing hasn't been written... Yet. But in seriousness, there's a nanite plague and it's basically a facilitation of all bizarre and weird stuff happening. Something nonsensical in the world? A nanite did it.
There are some supernatural, cross-dimensional shenanigans going on in the periphery, but "proper" magic is certainly not in the fore of your experience, so you generally want to avoid it unless you do your research and talk to a senior writer about it. Additionally, nanites, while the vehicle, are never the fore of an encounter either. They're a means to an end, not a goal, and you simply use them to get what you want.
Otherwise, it's a straightforward, modern post-apocalyptic survival setting, so the restrictions are fairly loose.
As to what sexual content these scenes may entail, there are, perhaps, even less rules when it comes to what you can and cannot write. I don't recommend any underage content, as... Suffice it to say, it's not a thing you'll want to do.
Otherwise, you're free to be as depraved as your heart's desire! We can get away with this via "Fetish Levels", an adjustable knob that allows for the restriction of content for players who aren't into it. We'll get into that momentarily.
Subchapter 2-3: Basic Content Guidelines Breakdown
When writing player loss, it's important to understand that the player cannot generally interact with the scenes; the player loses, they get a block of text, end of encounter. This is somewhat counter-intuitive to an interactive medium, made more complicated by the fact that this is what the player wants (Dominant players want to be empowered with choice, but submissives do not). To alleviate the fact that the player cannot interact with the scene, you can compensate for this by having the scene interact with the player, and this is achieved by acknowledging their attributes in a way that feels satisfactory.
But enough of that, let's go into detail about each scene and things to be mindful of:
- Introduction: This is the opening paragraph for an encounter, and is usually placed on top of the tree so it can be the lead-in for any scene, but you can also have a special introduction for each scene.
When building an introduction, you need to only consider two things: Did the player submit, or did they lose (They could've thrown the fight, but you can generally lump that in with loss)? Identifying this difference is key for building a scene's context. For simplicity's sake, you may have the monster completely ignore either option, but you at least want to understand that the player does care. Generally, you can identify a player who submitted by having more than no HP, since a player who's lost has none or less. There's also a "Fightoutcome" variable, but this is easier to memorize.
Here is a simple example of differentiating a scene for loss and submission:- Code: Select all
[if hp of player > 0]Choosing to surrender[otherwise]Too weak to fight[end if] the monster, it approaches and pins you to the ground.
I call this a "Token Referential". It's extremely simple to do, and achieves your goal very easily. You'll want to be using token references by default, but on occasion you may want to invest more deeply in a certain aspect to give an encounter more character. You can certainly expand the scene to be a different paragraph or two, but most heavy references for this material are peppered in with throughout core scenes.
Basically, a player who has lost will fight at every turn, against the monster's and their own, uncontrollably growing need, and when they comply they've succumbed to it. Submissive players, however, are more compliant and obliging towards their need, and will -- if not eagerly -- at least not give any trouble when forced to do something. Here's an example:- Code: Select all
[if hp of player > 0 or player is submissive]Bracing yourself for what is to follow, you moan[otherwise]Struggling to escape their hold, you cry[end if]] out as the creature penetrates you.
Note that, when engaged in sex, players who are submissive may be compliant even if they lost the fight, so consider the "player is submissive" addition when creating these in-line if statements.
And that's mostly it for this segment. You may be tempted to write a "As they consider their options..." line if this is an introduction that goes at the front of all scenes, but be weary of making this feel too artificial. It's a small point, but worth highlighting. - Vaginal Tier: We're starting with the cunt-particular scene, even though it goes below any anal scenes, because a lot from this category can be applied to that as well.
First off, consider how many cunts the player has. 99% of the time you'll just make a token reference, such as:- Code: Select all
the monster penetrates[if cunts of player > 1] one of[end if] your cunt[sfn]
This technique gets the point across that the player does indeed have multiple cunts, but the scene will only be about one, and from there you can simply refer to it as a one.
It's also worth noting that this is the optimal time to brush up on your "plural commands" (Found here).
There are cunt width and cunt length variables to enrich the detail of the penetration, but I generally recommend just using cunt length for this. You don't want to be bogged down in a lot of needless complexity trying to use both.
During sex and player orgasm, it may be worthwhile to highlight the player's cock, if they have any, in place of cunt-particular orgasm. This rewards herms with a greater reference to their attributes, and it "Makes sense" since the cock-particular orgasm is more outwardly apparent than cunt. Here's an example:- Code: Select all
Brought to bliss, your [if cocks of player > 0]unattended dick[smn] fires off your [cum load size of player] load impotently into the open air[otherwise]stuffed pussy squeezes tightly against the invading flesh[end if].
Finally, you need to consider the monster's "priorities". The baseline for all monsters is sex, and this is perfectly fine, as it allows you to explore how a monster uniquely interacts with the scene. I bring this up because your monster might have a reproductive focus. I generally don't advise this because it's hard to do anything "Interesting" with this; when every monster just wants to fuck you, then it becomes about their personality and quirks, but when they want to reproduce then it makes an otherwise delightfully absurd premise needlessly pragmatic.
There are other problems with it, but that's all you need to know for now. However, if you're keen to it, you might want to consider locking females/herms into this so they don't get the oral scene, and that's done simply by removing the roll in the sex tree.
Oh, also, don't forget [impregchance] at the end. - Anal Tier: Like I said, much of the practices from the Vaginal tier can be applied here -- in fact, if you're feeling particularly lazy, and you've written a good cunt-particular scene, don't be afraid to copypasta it and simply remove all cunt references with ass ones. Look, people want the scene to be good, not original -- the only people who might see both are anal-happy ladies anyways and they may simply just be happy to not be getting pregnant. Most of this will detail what different stats the encounter uses.
You can only have one asshole, so don't worry about references to multiple. There is also no "Anal size" attribute, so instead scalevalue is used. For this, consider what would be "Reasonable" for a person of average (3) height to handle, and if it's unreasonable, for what size would it be?
I should also bring up "Twisted Capacity" or "Twistcapped", since this is the only way to "increase" your "Anal size". Players who are twistcapped can be expected to handle sizes they normally cannot, and handle ones that would normally strain them with ease. I have provided an example. In this case, let's assume that the monster has a cock length of 12 inches. Now, let's be reasonable here, a normal person would be seriously strained by a foot-long dong, but a twistcapped player might be fine:- Code: Select all
[if scalevalue of player > 3 or player is twistcapped]body easily managing[otherwise]body quickly strained by[end if] the impressive intrusion
As we can see, players simply larger than normal or with the twistcapped attribute are illustrated as having no issue, whereas players who lack either will have trouble.
Player genital references are more imperative in this situation, but also be mindful that the monster could be riding a neuter, here's using the above example for player cunt, adapted for player anal:- Code: Select all
Brought to bliss, your [if cocks of player > 0]unattended dick[smn] fires off your [cum load size of player] load impotently into the open air[otherwise if cunts of player > 0]unattended puss[yfn] ache[sfv] against the open air[otherwise]genderless body writhes with an insatiable need[end if].
Now, I'm familiar that some writers may not be keen on writhing M/M content, and if you're absolutely unwilling to add anal content, that's... Totally fine. There are some pitfalls to this that I'll talk about later, but -- simply put -- as long as male/neuters have the oral option, you'll be fine skipping it. - Oral Tier: Player sucks monster's dick/eats monster's cunt. Easiest scene for you to write since it can afford little to no player references.
You still want to produce basic references ([bodytype of player], etc.) where you can, and -- ideally -- you should reference the player's genitals, but they cannot be essential for the scene to function. That's all there really is to be mindful of.
And that's all you really need to know when writing specific sex scenes. There's more below for fetishistic content, and there's also info broader design dos and don'ts, so I'd advise looking through that as well.
Subchapter 2-4: Fetishistic Content Guidelines Breakdown
This entails a wide array of all the weird stuff you might encounter. Note that this only encompasses "Charted Territory", if you're doing something that isn't in the game anywhere, a more specific discussion must be made.
Also, in pretty much all cases, the "Kinky" feat will increase the chances of these scenes from happening. Just to keep in mind.
- Touched By Madness: While there's no narrative reasons in your way, I advise against writing any "TBM" scenes, as they adhere to a fairly strict ruleset. With a bit of work you could convince me to add one, so I'll give you a more in-depth breakdown.
If you were to, say, have a vore scene, the difference between it just being a vore scene and being a "TBM" vore scene is marked by sheer, overwhelming excess. Players have to really go out of their way to get a TBM scene, so you reward them by dumping a LOT of complexity and volume. As the name implies, the content needs to be insane. I'll go more into scene size further down.
There is often ancillary feats that the player requires for a TBM scene to happen. For example, all anal unbirth scenes require the player to have Mpreg. Because TBM can really be "Anything", there needs to be another check in place to ensure what the player actually wants, and this is that. - Bound States: Before we get any deeper, I should mention Bound States. Currently, much like TBM, only I do these scenes. The reasons for this is largely because how complex from a coding angle these scenes are; I have to hand craft a combat menu explicitly for the scene. Of course, the abstracted nature of these scenes means that I can skimp on actual text, and the complexity of these bound states (From the standpoint of how much time it takes for me to make) can range from very simple -- most vore ones -- to extremely mind boggling -- the orgy ones.
A bound state template will eventually be produced, that players can look up. For now, however, just don't do it, bro. - Vore: Vore content is adjusted by vorelevel. 1 is no vore, 2 is standard vore, and 3 is more/full vore.
We are currently at saturation level for vore, meaning that you cannot have vore accessible at level 2 unless it's very clear that's the monster's core gimmick. If a monster has vore content at level 2, level 3 will increase its chances of happening. If it's accessible at three, "Kinky" will instead increase the chances of it happening.
Vore damages hunger and thirst, I recommend approximately 3 hunger and 5 thirst per loss. Too much and the player really suffers for it, but there needs to be a tangible illustration of the negative effects. This, of course, doesn't apply if the monster has a gimmick that interacts with the rule (such as the Sierrasaur, though that's a bound state, so it's not a perfect example).
Player scale is also imperative to consider. The nanite plague can certainly handwave a creature of equal height to the player eating them, but the infection has to be pretty intense. I'm very much the person who wants a very good reason to casually break physical limitations. My rule of thumb is that monster with a scale of 5 can eat a player with a scale of 3 or lower. - Unbirth: the variable for unbirth is "UBlevel", the numbers are the same as vore.
We're at saturation level with unbirth, so the things I mention in vore also apply.
Unbirth does not normally damage hunger and thirst. Instead, it rolls for additional infection.
Player scale considerations also apply. - Watersports: the variable for WS is "WSlevel". The numbers are the same.
We're near saturation level for WS, so we can afford more content at the level of 2 unless it's particularly hard.
There are no unique mechanics to consider for watersports, other than possibly infecting the player a second time.
There might be some temptation to make WS fill the oral slot. This is ill-advised. - Anal: The softer of the fetishes we have on display, it is detected through "anallevel".
Anallevel has quite a history to it. When I entered the scene, there apparently was some issue with introducing anal content into the game. Simply put, male players didn't like getting buggered by male monsters to get certain, male strains. Anallevel was conceived by Stripes and myself as a way to alleviate this issue, and has since been the template for every other fetish dial.
Anallevel 1 asks for less anal. Sometimes, this is unavoidable, but should be used whenever possible.
Anallevel 2 means it's acceptable for male players to receive anal content.
Anallevel 3 is where things get interesting. Females can access anal content at this level, and it's the barrier for harder anal content (Such as rimming). Unlike with penetration, rimming has no concern for the catcher's scale, though pointing out a big size difference makes things fun.
Anallevel 3 will also augment the chances for it to happen in a scene which only requires anallevel 2. Anal fetish scenes require "Kinky" to augment the chances.
Subchapter 2-5: Final Content Guidelines
This final subchapter details the rules that encompass all scenes. No exhaustive lists this time, since we're mostly talking about one thing here.
Before that, though, it's also worth raising a fairly straightforward matter of scene size. There's no hard restriction on how large a scene can be, but be mindful that dumping a lot of text on a player casually is considered wasteful. Ease them into it, make them earn a mountain of prose. Otherwise, just build them as big or small as you feel appropriately adheres to the Rule of... Hmm...
...Ah, Hm, OKAY. I get it, you probably glazed through this entire, mountainous wall of text the first time through, so I'm going to hit you with the one thing you must know when writing smut. And that is "The Rule of Sexy".
Games have a Rule of Fun -- that is, before you can hit the player with an interesting story or interesting characters or open the discussion on the metaphyiscal nature of whatever your game must, must be fun (Or, more broadly speaking, engaging). End of discussion.
By that same extension, every lewd craft you conjure from the tainted depths of your depraved mind must be enjoyable in some way. Don't worry about whether or not other people find it enjoyable so long as you do; if you build it, they will come(snrk).
I bring this up because if, at any time, you're writing something that you don't feel is "Sexy", then you're much more likely to be right than if it does. That won't stop everyone, but you've lost touch with why you're writing the content in the first place and those who do get something out of it are much in spite of your counter-intuitive efforts, not because of them.
When you're writing non-interactive smut, this isn't generally an issue but it quickly becomes one when you have to account for every possible choice the player might make. What I'm trying to say is that, if you're a straight guy writing an RPG with mutable genders for both the monster and the player, you can be sure as hell that you'll have to pump out the gay smut, else you're failing to meet the expectations of the system you set out to create.
This works both ways, of course. If you're a gay male, you should probably build the base of your game around the context of pure M/M sex, else be prepared to be neck deep in scissoring.
It's important to emphasize this because Flexible Survival is very much a game about freedom. So much so, that the game probably asks that the developers be more "Flexible" than the players. This, of course, doesn't extend to the matter of fetishistic content (Though, you'll have to abide the fact that it does indeed exist and players will consider that context), but it does extend to basic sex. What I'm trying to say is you're going to struggle if you're not at least slightly bisexual.
And that, obviously, not to say that pure straight/gay writers are not allowed to produce content for the game(I mean, fuck, if you seen half the weird shit I've written, I think we can abide a writer who simply doesn't like it up the butt), but it is a handicap you'll need to work around, and so I'll go into detail.
Now, monsters in FS are generally considered bisexual as a standard rule of thumb; they're sex-crazed horrors, find them a hole and they'll fill it. A monster or two is commissioned against this rule, but these are rare exceptions. This doesn't necessarily extend to NPCs, who are much more lucid and attached to their sexual identity. However, if an NPC seems too involved to create, consider a female/herm creature (for M/F keen players). A herm can conveniently skirt around any anal penetration while still also providing all the fun options.
However, regardless of your choice for how you design a monster, avoid, at all costs, from creating a "Snub" scene. A snub scene is any scene that refers to the player's gender (or possibly other attributes) in a negative context. I don't care if they concede to having sex with them anyways, this is the single most un-sexy thing you can possibly do, even if it's very mild. Here are some examples of how it might be seen:
- Code: Select all
Sneering at your lack of a cunt
- Code: Select all
Annoyed by the lack of a dick for her to ride
- Code: Select all
"Hmpf, come back when you're a woman!"
- Code: Select all
"Now be a good little slut and turn female for me next time we meet."
- Code: Select all
"I generally don't go for males, but I guess I'll make an exception this one time."
As you can tell, in most cases, these are done by males snubbing other males, but it does sometime happens to females. I kid you not, this is the main reason I started writing for FS, as I had gotten sick of countless encounters where a monster slapped you down because you were male and telling you to come back when you were female but I'm gender-locked so even though you might have sex with me it never comes across your thick skull that I'm never going t--AUGH.
Deep breaths, deep breaths... That was a year or so ago, and I've stamped out most of these instances, with no intent of seeing them come back. Now... I can understand your desire to telegraph the direction where the players can experience the "proper" content, but this isn't the same as making an endboss's weakspot a glowing red sore. You're basically telling the player how they should be playing the game, and -- infuriatingly -- apparently that way is to not be gay.
I certainly know that people who write these things don't intend any malice, but it's pivotal you understand the meaning of your mechanics. And going back to the "Rule of Sexy", writing a snub scene wasn't particularly enjoyable for you, so how is it going to be enjoyable for the person on the receiving end on it?
This leads into a more broad point I want to make. Specifically, when interacting with the player through your scenes (Which is what you're really doing here), never scold them simply for the way they look or the assets they're carrying, always celebrate it. If your encounter was made with a specific player design in mind, don't point out what they're missing, simply celebrate what content they can experience, even if it's just one simple oral scene.
Flexible Survival, more than anything, is about inclusivity. We're the most depraved developers, the most widely welcoming wellspring of wildly wanton writing on the web. And we'd like to keep it that way!
Well... That's all for chapter one! In future chapters, we'll talk about things like NPC design, player victory and how it differs from loss, and writing all the fluff around the smut.
Monster Design
[Chapter 1] --- [Chapter 1: Stripes Input]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]