Developer: Wahn
Commissioner: Savriss
Status: NEXT: Expanding Angie's sex menu
Completion: Pending (in commission wait list)
IN-PRODUCTION: Portions of the content which are partially completed and being expanded upon now or in the future.
NEXT: The content planned to come out with the current donation.
PENDING: The content which is part of the overall plan and will eventually be produced as the project is completed.
POTENTIAL: Extra content which may or may not be made. Some of these might be made while fulfilling the main PENDING content or as random improvements, but otherwise would need specific interest to be created.
DONE: Content just added.
Rough outline:
Angie, a former zookeeper, got transformed into a anthro herm panther by her favorite big cat Midnight. After being saved by the player, she moves into the zoo gift ship.
Progression History:
00.00.14 - New Code Framework for Angie, all scenes reviewed and improved
00.00.14 - Alternate path as player girlfriend established
Project Details:
Breaking Angie out of the formerly guaranteed path of ending with Midnight, then expanding on her content as a much more self-sufficient NPC. Less feline sex slave, more zookeeper who remembers her duties to care of all the animals. Sometimes dominant as player's love interest.
DONE: Code reworked, old scenes reviewed and improved
DONE: Alternate path in which she chooses the player over Midnight
NEXT: Additional entries in her sex menu, also Angie being the one to initiate sex sometimes
PENDING: Events/quests dealing with the zoo (finding the other zookeepers, supplies, recapturing something, ...)