Bug with Mental Mouse infection

Bug with Mental Mouse infection

Postby SinnersRider » Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:11 pm

Not sure if everyone else has had this happen, but there seams to be an issue with the mental mouse transformation where it keeps removing breasts, despite it still causing breast growth. meaning that i would need to get the infection again to get breasts back, and even then they will disappear again if i get infected. this is a real problem if people want Rachel as there main pet. i wasn't sure were to put this so i just put it into dev chat
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Re: Bug with Mental Mouse infection

Postby TigerStripes » Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:02 pm

SinnersRider wrote:<Mental Mouse breasts>

This would normally be put in the General Chat under 'Typos and Bugs'. The issue's been found and a patch will be sent. For some reason, the creature's infection data was set to 1 breast. Since we only operate on pairs, it would keep swapping from 2 to 0 and then back from 0 to 2 as it would always been too high or too low.
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