Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:38 am

Sundays? Sundays. @-@


Now 6 have been fully roughed out. A 7th was almost finished, but I ended up becoming too exhausted. Can't stop this train!

The plan is to finish roughing 8 out for now, then to bounce back to the Yamato and finish that fourth scene I need. THEN I bounce back to the Ash dragons for playtesting.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:09 am

I decided to take a day off, since I had been running on all cylinders for quite some time.

I was also pretty laid back today. I did some early work with the fourth scene for the Yamato Dragon. All of the Ash Dragons have received basic playtesting. A more comprehensive test relating to how numerous different mechanics interact with eachother is still pending before they'll be 'finished'.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:47 am

Today I did a polish pass for 3 of Doran's scenes and coded them into the game. They were smaller scenes, some of them one-offs, so they called for less scrutiny than their bulkier companions.

I'm still testing the Ash Dragons. Working with their mechanics revealed a number of design problems which exist with a certain system in the game. I'm going to have to spend some time ironing that out.
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Blue Bishop
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:36 am


Spent the entire day working on fixing up and testing one of the game's core mechanics. I'd find the problem solving more scintillating if not for the ever-long compile times.

Then I decided to update my FS (Working on a big project is prone to put your version out-of-date), which was its own pain in the arse.

I'm about 95% done with these mechanics and the Ash Dragons. They still require a bit of tweaks and some final adjustments/testing, which will probably occupy a notable portion of tomorrow's time, before I return to writing.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:30 pm

It's been a while since my last update!

I needed to take an extended break, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy getting stuff done! I think, by this point, it's best if I explain the status of all three projects as they are now, so if you've recently started reading this you won't have to go through everything to catch up.

Ash Dragons:

The Ash Dragons are pretty much done, barring a few tests and tweaks that I might have to deal with. Fairly straightforward.

Yamato Dragon/ess:

The Dragoness has all of her scenes roughed out and awaits her male counterpart to be finished first.

The Dragon has 4 of his 6 scenes coded in. They received some basic testing, but await something a little more comprehensive.

They still need their endings reworked, which should only take one really good push to deal with. The male still needs a key scene finished, but after that everything should be smooth sailing.

Edit: Got those endings done, bam!


This guy has three scenes coded in just this night. That brings the total to 6 of the 9 scenes planned for him. I'm being slightly delayed here by a thing or two I'm needing to reconsider -- again, a delay, but not a setback, very little should need to be changed, should I decide to make the change.

We haven't reached the home stretch yet, but we're getting there!
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:26 pm

The Yamato Dragoness has all her scenes coded in and have received light testing. Asides from a more in-depth test/polish pass, she's done!

Her male counterpart is a little further off. I still need to finish one of his core scenes. Ugh. Right now projections put this scene at just shy of 5000 words, and then I need to copy and retool it for the other remaining scene.

Still, progress is being made. The endings have also been coded, though they have yet to be tested. Meaning this is all that remains before the pair is good to go.

Edit: I finally finished roughing out this scene, though I'm not fully satisfied with it and I want to make a couple additions. Hmpf!
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:25 am

The Ash Dragons and the existing game mechanics -- which are being overhauled -- received a more in-depth test pass over the past few days. What bugs that were found have been attended to and everything is just about good. The whelp needs some tweaks to its player loss sex routine, but I'll probably squeeze that out before the day is over.

Once that's all taken care of, that leaves them for a "Final Pass", which is a quick glance-through to see if I mucked up anything one last time and can be done right before sending them off, hopefully later this month. For now, it's back to the Yamato Dragon to finish what's left.

Edit: The Yamato Dragon's scene has received the additions planned for it and is awaiting a polish pass now. Also, finished tweaking the Ash Whelp. What a reasonably productive day!
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:16 am

The Yamato Dragon's second-to-last scene, all 5000+ words of it, has received its polished pass, been coded in, and received basic testing.

His final scene is a copy-over of this last scene. Usually these are fairly quick, but given the complex technicals and sheer size, it'll take a bit longer. Still, I finished a third of it tonight, the rest should be done and coded in tomorrow.

After that, it's more in-depth testing before it's finished. It's very likely that these two will be sent out well before all the other content, largely because 1) This has been the longest in production and 2) It doesn't interact with pre-existing mechanics in any involved ways.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:37 am

Aaaauhhh yiiis.

The Yamato Dragon/ess have all their content coded in and have received more comprehensive testing. They still await a "Final Pass" -- additionally, I want to glance through their player loss, which I finished and sent a long time ago, to see if there was anything there I missed -- which is something I want to do leisurely over the weekend.

It's really nice to see these two nearly finished, after all this long.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:14 am

So much for doing it over the weekend!

The Yamato Dragon/ess has had its update sent, and should be active now. A detailed changelog will be produced when the rest of this project is finished.

This leaves Doran to be finished.
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