Q&A about NPC Fun

Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:04 pm

Ah. I think I only had sex 4 or 5 times before bringing in Midnight this playthrough. Well, I was thinking I needed to update to the next version anyway (speaking of which, I know Nuku's been out of town, but we haven't gotten a game update all month).
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby TigerStripes » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:29 pm

Sorry, that's my bad. I've just been lazy about it. I'm planning to send one out in the next day or so at most.
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby JohnWangJohnson » Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:49 pm

In regards to Midnight and Angie, is there any intention to build an option for an assertive Angie making Midnight sexually subordinate to her, rather than the reverse?
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby Savriss » Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:27 pm

As the commissioner for top Angie, I do plan to continue top Angie but Midnight does not feature in those plans. Midnight, being mostly non-anthro animal, does nothing for me.

However, if someone else were to commission these scenes or they were to come up in bonus hours, I would not object.
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:29 pm

Maybe we could slip Midnight an Awesome Fruit to give him some increased conversation ability.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby JohnWangJohnson » Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:01 pm

Say Savriss, can you comment on how Top Angie's currently planned/dreamed of handling any or all permutations of the following?
-A herm/female PC with the 'dominant' trait.
-A male PC with the 'dominant' trait.
-A PC with the 'submissive' trait
-A male PC with the 'Mpreg' trait
-A male PC with the 'Mpreg' AND 'Dominant' traits.

And since I'm basically an Omni-kinked, may I ask your opinion on WS and other 'marking' things?
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby Savriss » Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:26 pm

The general thrust of what I hope to achieve is the PC getting to choose between encouraging Angie to become a guide to the zoo denizens, kind of like a mix between traditional zoo keeper and counselor, or becoming more barbaric and tyrannical. Confrontations with Lindsey and Chase and interactions with Brian are in my ideas list.

The concept I had in mind was that it becomes a little more a story about Angie in which the player has a major role, rather than the bulk of the time where the player is the focus in which everyone else has a role. For this, I like the idea of the player helping someone else be awesome.

-A herm/female PC with the 'dominant' trait.
At the moment, my intention is mostly towards having Angie exercise being forwards and, to a lesser extent, dominant. When I am content with the branch, I do have an idea set for having the player struggle with Midnight for dominance of either the trio or just of Angie.
-A male PC with the 'dominant' trait.
As above.
-A PC with the 'submissive' trait
There'll be more content for this path, certainly. Whereas there's more choice without 'submissive', I see Angie indulging herself more with the PC and assuming there won't be objections from the PC who has this feat. Some ideas revolve around not being able to sleep except in Angie's company, along with frequent actions on her part when the player is present.
-A male PC with the 'Mpreg' trait
No idea, Mpreg doesn't arouse or interest me.
-A male PC with the 'Mpreg' AND 'Dominant' traits.
As above.
Keep toying with this idea, but I haven't really come up with anything special.

A lot of my ideas are picked up from others and filtered through my own desires. I really enjoy adding detail, so I'm always keen to hear conversational ideas, scene ideas... I'll take them seriously. However, where I do implement them, they'll usually be through my own lens. There are a few thingsI ringfence off with my own commissions but that is absent with established characters like Angie, so others could always add the stuff I skimp on.
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby JohnWangJohnson » Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:46 pm

Thank you very much for being thorough in answering.

I find it a personal pity you're not planning mpreg-associated content variations, but one's interests are what they are - and besides it sounds like male pcs can still end up being bummed by Angie so that's more than sufficient to indulge my own kinks.
Savriss wrote:Confrontations with Lindsey and Chase and interactions with Brian are in my ideas list.

Beyond the theoretically obvious followup questions of 'what specifically are you thinking for Lindsey (dominance wars, Angie 'winning'/'losing' to Lindsey in a permanent sense, Midnight getting involved in the contest, etc.) and Chase (Will PC's mating status with Chase change anything, etc.), there is one zoo denizen who you didn't mention that I'm curious about: Icarus.

Bird/Feline conflicts are super prevalent in nature, and Icarus' content seems like a great fit to the Angie expansion material's sexual thrust. So on that note - mind sharing your thoughts?
The concept I had in mind was that it becomes a little more a story about Angie in which the player has a major role, rather than the bulk of the time where the player is the focus in which everyone else has a role. For this, I like the idea of the player helping someone else be awesome.

A sentiment I can agree with - though I hope you plan to have some degree of 'pushed too far bad end' termination points along pushing her towards the semi-barbaric form of 'awesome'.

Back one more time to Mpreg, is it correct to say you're ambivalent to it, or are you outright repulsed by it?

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby Savriss » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:40 am

Lindsey is pretty forwards and dominant. My ideas largely revolve around a conflict between the two, ending with Lindsey either being coaxed into therapy and being less aggressive or beaten down and made to pay tribute to stay in the zoo grounds, both in food and sexuality.
My idea for this starts with an initial meeting between the two at Lindsey's spot, which the PC happens to walk in on. The discussion or Lindsey's oggling of the PC would result in them coming to disagreement with Angie baring claws and teeth, at which point I figure the PC could act to either soothe Angie with gentle attention or fan her anger until the pantherherm attacks Lindsey and asserts dominance.

The player relationship is exactly where I see conflict arising between Chase and Angie. I see Angie confronting Chase and demanding the PC for herself alone, with various fallout. In addition, outcomes would have Chase and gang being integrated into a zoo commune or made into subjects who are obedient through intimidation.
This idea is not as fully fleshed out as what I'd like for Angie-PC and Angie-PC-Lindsey actions, yet.

I see Angie trying to coax him into less brain-damaging exercises when nice or recruiting him as additional enforcement muscle for not-so-nice. At the start, she could convince him she'll help him escape if he helps her prepare. As they meet and talk, she eventually gets him to open up and stop obsessing. Alternatively, she knocks him off centre enough to get his attention and then rewards him with food and minions in return for him becoming an unstoppable juggernaut in her arsenal.

I largely view the zoo as just the area where he is recruited. Honestly, I hadn't even considered him as a member of the zoo until you reminded me. I don't have any solid ideas immediately but it'd be easy to imagine Icarus taunting Angie and using flight to stay out of her reach, until she is somehow able to turn the tables.

All the above is, naturally, subject to revision with Wahn as he writes it.

As regards Mpreg, neither ambivalence nor repulsion are appropriate.
I am repulsed by scat, infant play and children. I wouldn't start a game featuring it and I'd stop playing one where these became base facets.
Leonard's pride pushes up real close to the last one I mentioned, though I admit they don't 'much' act like children.

I am ambivalent about water sports, full-on animals and futa. I find some scenes featuring these enjoyable while other instance may well provoke no interest or even cause frustration and annoyance.
The hyena gang content is some of the best in the game, even unfinished, and I revisit it frequently. On the other hand, instances of taking a female trope and 'sticking a cock on' make me roll my eyes.

I am aware of Mpreg, I have seen a few scenes of it. It does nothing for me and I have no objection to it. If it were to happen as a player loss to a monster I'd shrug and continue playing but otherwise I have no reason to play with it and even less reason to commission it.
The platypus is beaten and left in place and the feat never taken.
Last edited by Savriss on Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Q&A about NPC Fun

Postby Savriss » Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:00 am

It is also worth noting that progress will be in moderate increments at best. I take as much time as I can get in commissions but it's split between several projects.
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