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Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:43 am
by Savriss
I believe that there are some benefits to be had from a clearer view of project states. As such, I'm suggesting that a subforum be created as a point of contact between developers, commissioners and interested players. A bullet point list of pending updates, issues and ideas could be maintained in the original post.

Threads in the topic should probably be able to change states between at least the following the following states:
Proposed (by a willing commissioner, money already paid in)
Accepted (by a developer)

The topic could be opened by Nuku or a board administrator with just a header title that everyone could then add to. A commitment to regular updates on open projects would also help encourage trust and maintain interest.

This would also allow the commissioner to give some clarity as to what they will and won't be expanding on. For example, if Mary Sue the Commissioner won't commission watersports, no matter how much Joe Bloggs the Player suggests it, Joe can see he'll need to commission it. This will help move him from player to commissioner, instead of waiting on and hoping for something he doesn't realize will never come. It'd be a different project, even if for the same character Mary Sue is commissioning work on.

I believe that only projects that already have money in them should go into this subforum, as looking to kickstart funding for a project will only distract from incoming work with threads that might never resolve. People looking to sponge off other commissioners can always open threads in 'General Chat' to do so.

I'd be amenable in having my projects in this subforum, especially as it would provide a place for feedback between players and commissioners. I've had a few ideas inspired by stuff for my own projects that I've read in other threads and this would (hopefully) help centralize these ideas somewhat.

Re: Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:22 pm
by nukuv
What forum would this be subbing under?

Re: Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:31 pm
by userpay
I would imagine it would either get its own subforum under Singleplayer just like Dev Chat or General Chat or be a subforum of Dev Chat.

Re: Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:08 am
by Savriss
As this is news specifically aimed for player and commissioner consumption, I'd say either branching off of 'Singleplayer' or 'General Chat'.

I believe that 'Dev Chat' should be for technical consultation and review, a place only for developers (and possibly peer review by grammar support) .

Re: Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:41 pm
by Savriss
I see there is now a Projects subforum.

Will admins be taking care of starting new threads or shall people do their own thing?

Re: Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:42 pm
by nukuv
I imagine our writers will make threads covering their various projects.

Re: Request for a Projects subforum

PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:19 am
by Savriss
Thank you very much.