Typos and Bugs

Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Samsquatch » Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:01 pm

My bad, I didn't search for the context and it's not something i've encountered myself. Lets try this instead:

"This is it - the seal. It serves to amplify your fear and make you tremble in our presence. It makes you crave servitude, to debase yourself at your master's whim. Your master will drag you down to hell and you will follow without questioning."

Used our instead of my because it seems like any demon could complete the seal and any demon would have that effect on him. Using makes instead of "will make" as i'm assuming it has an affect on him even if it isn't completely activated; "will make" is more appropriate if it only does so when activated. The last line removes any question of agency for David. I'm assuming that the subservience invoked by the seal removes free will at least in so far as the inability to reject orders. I would imagine David would retain the capacity to not want to do those things as a further form of torture, as he would be unable to act on those impulses.

I don't think that sounds as overly erudite. Brutus is a gruff guy, but he's not dumb; otherwise he wouldn't be explaining the details in the first place. My writing would be more precise if I sat down and took the time to read all the various logic and conditions, but they're spread out over both Brutus and David's pages and keeping track of all those conditions is a challenge. As far as I can tell with a cursory look, it seems Brutus has feelings for David whether he's cleansed or not, so the scene makes sense in either case (though cleansed Brutus is a bit more articulate without all the pain clouding his speech). That's just my take on it, however. I can't claim to really have a full sense of either character because they didn't feature prominently in any of the playthroughs i've done.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Samsquatch » Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:33 pm

Couple of bugs related to the Bouncy Castle with both release Release 57 / Serial number 150118 / Inform 7 build 6L38 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) and Release 57 / Serial number 150203 / Inform 7 build 6L38 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N). I'm using the stand-alone version with Gluxe. Typically I use the save system provided by gluxe, but I used the saveword system to copy it across versions (I actually wanted to make sure the direction issue wasn't version related and ran into this bug). This is my saveword:
27}35}20}24}30}25}37}255}48}22445}18}Herm Hyena}Herm Hyena}Herm Hyena}Herm Hyena}Herm Hyena}0}13}1}2}3}8}18}9}11}7}icicle knives}0}0}1}0}Bunker}1}1}0}0}0}0}2}2}1}000100B}0}0}3}1}3}4}4}5}1}3}5}5}3}1}2}2}1

With this saveword, i've encountered the Snared Vixen event, got marked by the phantom dolphin and have explored the castle. I have not yet rescued Bubble. When checking the dolphins on the wall for Bubble, I get the following error:
*** Couldn’t read from entry 7 of a list which is empty ***

*** Run-time problem P50: Attempt to use list item which does not exist.

*** Value handling failed: copy from null value ***

Naturally, the game crashes. It's the same no matter which number is selected.

Also worth noting that from the Upper Hall in the castle, the player may go east or west. Going east leads to the western parapets, where the player is given the options to go east again to return to the upper hall. The same is true with going west, it leads to the eastern parapets with the option of going west again to return.

Using that saveword puts Eric in the bunker (rather than Erika, who I had previously). He has no dialogue options available like that. I imagine this is just an issue of adjusting how the storyskipper tracks him/her.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby glyren » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:42 pm

Think I found a bug.

Release 57 / Serial number 150118 - standalone downloadable version

When playing with "Girl" banned (so Dr. Utah is male), I don't seem to be able to initiate the quest for the Wereraptor cure. Talking to Nermine causes the following:

Code: Select all
What do you want to talk to Nermine about?
1 - Her and her store
2- The wereraptor curse
100 - Nevermind
Pick the corresponding number>

Picking 2 gives the message

Code: Select all
The wereraptor curse: Ask the jackaless for help with the curse? yes or no>

Choosing yes gives a "more" prompt with no dialogue. This can be repeated infinitely, and no message from Nermine is ever displayed. After triggering this with no messaging appearing, I tried going to the college and hunting the greenhouse anyway, but the game couldn't find it (the event hadn't been triggered). Pretty sure I've done the wereraptor cure quest with girl banned in the past, so I'm guess this is a new issue.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby xinacs » Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:33 pm

I have a problem getting my state from an older version to a newer version. I used "saveword" in the old one and "load game" in the new. the code is:
28}18}16}23}24}23}46}230}50}36967}3}Hellhound}Hellhound}human}human}Hellhound}3}0}1}2}0}0}6}4}0}0}ancient blade}0}0}0}0}Bunker}1}1}0}0}0}0}0}0}0}000100B}5}0}3}2}3}4}4}5}1}1}0}3}3}1}0}0}0

But now I am no Hellhound anymore, Velos and Doran are missing (including his home and most places on the map) and most of the NPCs I was befriended with don't seem to remember me anymore... ;(
Also my strength that I earned in the Campus Gym seems to be lost (at least I now can carry 25 pounds less).
Also my pet changed, but at least the other one is still with me. :)

I am using the offline version (gblorb files)
Old version was: Release 57 / Serial number 150118 / Inform 7 build 6L38 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N)
New version is: Release 57 / Serial number 150202 / Inform 7 build 6L38 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N)

Can this be fixed somehow? I miss Doran... Xd


BTW: Awesome game, I was playing this like crazy! :D
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby TigerStripes » Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:48 pm

Not all portions of the game are saved using the saveword system. It is a partial restore to be used when upgrading from one version of the game to the next. You'll need to re-collect those portions. Which pet are you missing?

I'm glad you're liking our odd little game.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby xinacs » Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:24 pm

The game is totally awesome, never saw a game of... this kind ^^... with such depth in gameplay. :)

I am missing no pet, just the wrong one was active. I was missing the hellhound 'gift' (but am still suffering under the wasp impregnation. I'd have preferred the other way round. Xd)
What is strange is that some places are missing from the nav map while others were still there ("new ewe shop", "foxy hideout" are there, but "rocky outcroppings", "power plant" and some others are missing).
BTW: I have "Pig Pen" on the nav map, but when I click on it i get: "That noun did not make sense in this context."
The worst thing is that the progress with the people is lost and I have to "level up" Doran again...

I had another issue with th wereraptor curse (that's the reason I became a hellhound in the first place), because the woman with the quest wasn't talking to me. I could select "help with the wereraptor quest" in the dialog, but then she did not say anything and I was back at the prompt. Maybe blocking the girl content is the reason for this. ^^
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby Wahn » Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:01 am

Hm, that last bit was with Nermine? I built a talk menu for her and transferred the old talk about everything over recently... maybe I made a mistake with a flag somewhere.

@Stripes: Could you have a quick look? I'm not too informed about the wereraptor details, admittedly.
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby xinacs » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:03 am

The wereraptor curse dialog problem was in the old version. I cannot confirm its existence in the current one anymore as I took the first opportunity to become a hellhound again. Xd
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby glyren » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:06 pm

Wahn wrote:Hm, that last bit was with Nermine? I built a talk menu for her and transferred the old talk about everything over recently... maybe I made a mistake with a flag somewhere.

@Stripes: Could you have a quick look? I'm not too informed about the wereraptor details, admittedly.

Yeah, he's mentioning the same issue I'm having. Sounds like we both had "girl" banned, but I'm pretty sure I've done the quest with girl banned before (to get male Dr. Utah)...
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Re: Typos and Bugs

Postby xinacs » Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:06 pm

I probably found the problem:
(mind that this is just the "talk" dialog, not the "help" one, where the player still get's an answer telling him about the missing girl content)

When setting the title the wereraptor is a small one: ^-^
now title entry is "The wereraptor curse";

But in the if for the talk you expect it to be a bit bigger:
if (nam is "The Wereraptor Curse"):
say "[NermineTalk2]";

Would've checked in in through git, but am too shy... :oops:
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