Alexandra's good path

Alexandra's good path

Postby Feo Takahari » Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:31 am

Sorry if there's a thread for this already, but I couldn't find a variant of this question the search bar would accept.

I'm doing a Let's Play of Flexible Survival, and I'm trying to demonstrate Alexandra's good path. I've completely repaired the police station, and I've gotten Jimmy, Paula, and Master Mind, but I can't progress any further with her. What else should I be doing? (The wiki is very sparse in its information on Alexandra.)
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:21 am

IIRC, the only other thing that's available with her right now is the Survivor Group. Talk to her until she mentions it, then head to the Urban Forest and hunt for it. You'll need to pass a Perception Check (failure results in a random encounter), then a Charisma Check. If the Charisma Check is successful, you'll have to fight 3 Feral Wolves and one Alpha Wolf in succession. After that, you can talk to Jimmy a day or more later to get the option to rescue the stragglers.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby TigerStripes » Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:11 pm

Shoggoth on the Roof wrote:IIRC, the only other thing that's available with her right now is the Survivor Group. Talk to her until she mentions it, then head to the Urban Forest and hunt for it. You'll need to pass a Perception Check (failure results in a random encounter), then a Charisma Check. If the Charisma Check is successful, you'll have to fight 3 Feral Wolves and one Alpha Wolf in succession. After that, you can talk to Jimmy a day or more later to get the option to rescue the stragglers.

If you fail the Charisma check, you can return again a second time and you'll convince them to go on that attempt. You'll then face the same fights, but with a lower starting number of survivors.

That said, if you've already captured Master Mind before doing the survivor group rescue, you're likely playing on a version of the game that does not yet include it. The order of operations should be:
1 - Meet Alexandra
2 - Go to Police Station
3 - Rescue Jimmy
4 - Medical Supplies (Paula)
5 - Survivor Group
6 - Capture Master Mind

A - Station repairs - done any time after step 3
B - Return for stragglers - wait at least a day after step 5, must be on the same playthrough

There's a revision coming to Alexandra to make her rather busy conversation tree a bit more streamlined with options on what to discuss, but that probably won't appear until after your Let's Play. Also, be sure to let us know when/where this is going up. I'd be curious to see it.
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby Feo Takahari » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:18 pm

Okay, I guess I'm done with Alexandra for now.

TigerStripes wrote:Also, be sure to let us know when/where this is going up. I'd be curious to see it.

This is probably a terrible idea, but it's not like anyone else is reading it. I hope you folks aren't too offended at how critical I am of the game.

I've been trying to find somewhere else to mirror it, somewhere with an actual audience, but I can't come up with anywhere that allows NSFW screenshot LPs aside from RPG Codex (which I really want to stay away from.) That's probably a separate thread, though.
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby Savriss » Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:40 am

Shark's Lagoon has a forum for other adult games, might fit there.

Reading your LP made me chuckle a lot and also wince a few times, especially given how much remains to write about. Being open to just about anyone with an internet connection means the content varies wildly.
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby Feo Takahari » Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:42 pm

Savriss wrote:Shark's Lagoon has a forum for other adult games, might fit there.

I wonder how their no-bestiality rule would interact with this game . . .

Ah well. I'm thinking I might go for Reddit. There, I'd just have to cut out that one underage girl.
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby TigerStripes » Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:31 pm

Feo Takahari wrote:This is probably a terrible idea, but it's not like anyone else is reading it. I hope you folks aren't too offended at how critical I am of the game.

I've been trying to find somewhere else to mirror it, somewhere with an actual audience, but I can't come up with anywhere that allows NSFW screenshot LPs aside from RPG Codex (which I really want to stay away from.) That's probably a separate thread, though.

No, it's fine. I appreciate seeing someone go through the game with a fresh perspective. I've gone through about a posting and a half's worth already and haven't found anything I'm really upset or offended by. I know the game's got plenty of flaws, both in content and gameplay, but you work with what you've got, sometimes. Going through the Let's Play's been informative and amusing. I've already fixed a typo you've pointed out and will muse on a few of the other points you've raised so they can be addressed in the future.

A few points worth mentioning or just because I want to comment back. They're slightly out of order, but whatever.
- Yeah, Dex's has been my preferred method, though I know some players who swear by boosting stamina before going for dexterity.
- I agree that combat can be a slog at times. The combat system was originally pretty basic and was not designed for monster/player levels anywhere near as high as we've got now. I've already rebuilt it once for the monster side of things, but doing the same for the player side remains in the 'someday' section of the to-do list.
- Kristen: I have to take 'credit' for this one. While the commissioner made the request and specified the basic setup with the various paths, the stages of grief pattern and outcomes, I still created the actual content to fill those paths. You are right to be disturbed by the dark path: it is a very terrible way for the player to act.
- Dark Elf: Eep! Those are the default attack messages from the creature template. I must have forgotten to add in her attacks. I believe this was one of six critters I was porting over from multiplayer in a one/two-day working spree, but that's still quite the omission. I'll fix it.
- Scavenging been made slightly easier to cut down on the completely unsuccessful occurrences. As a tip though, there's some events and quests that yield supplies fairly easily. Try to learn a few of these so you can spare yourself at least some early scavenging/undoing. Also, raising stamina slightly decreases your rate of hunger/thirst growth.
- Hunting's been made slightly more likely to yield the desired critter. Keep in mind that as more critters become available to encounter, the more other things you might find instead, so upping your perception will help.
- Gryphon Milkman's a one-time scavenging event, though there's another similar one (Free Milk) that is also a one-shot. You may have confused them for one another, as they both yield a gryphon milk.
- Some of the art is fan-made and some is fan- or dev-comissioned. Yes, quality varies at times, but we still appreciate the enthusiasm and support.
- cum factories: Not going to comment aside from saying I'm going to swap that for 'nuts'.
- Alexandra's breasts: Hadn't noticed quite how often that was coming up. She's been built a chunk at a time, so I didn't notice how often that was coming up. I'll try to be more mindful in the future.
- I love your reaction to the Reindeer. Don't worry - he wasn't meant to meet someone's fetishes. His holiday stuff is all theme, comedy and absurdity to do something different for fun during the holiday season a few years back. Like with the Friendship Pony, I can sometimes go all out when making something for the lulz.
- I'm glad you like Orthas so much. While the credit is marked as 'Khabi', that's only partially true now. They did the original work on the eggy portion and (while it's been revised and expanded by myself) that remains mostly their writing. Probably most of the day-to-day sex with her as well. Orthas's second request, retrieving her personal items, was added by myself more recently and I'm very glad you enjoyed it.
- Camp Bravo: That's quite the event to run into for the first one ever.
- Power Plant: Mostly pointless, though it does provide description changes for a couple of places. Nobody's done anything with that computer yet and I've never thought of a use for it.
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby Feo Takahari » Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:07 pm

I'm glad to see you're okay with it. In all honesty, I do feel a lot of affection for this game. It feels incredibly innocent in some ways--very little character death, both males and females as victims and perpetrators, and rape as something people can recover and move on from. I think there are a lot of good ideas mixed in amongst the rubbish.
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Re: Alexandra's good path

Postby Wahn » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:46 pm

An interesting read you've put together there. I've been sitting here for a while now, giggling about some of the comments you had about this and that. Kinda curious what you'll have a look at next. And yes, the game is pretty much a jumbled collage of different styles in writing, content and different fetishes, with a highly questionable basic premise, but... it can be fun to participate in the communal madness that goes into it.

By the way, more scene variety for Angie is planned and partially implemented, and Sonya got a few extra scenes today too. If you should have any questions about content you never could figure out, you're welcome to send a pm. There's a number of very hard to spot corners... For example, as you took Elijah to the good side, you missed content where he's being a selfish ass and pimps the player out to a spidertaur :shock: (that happens for players with the submissive feat who don't run away fast enough)
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