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Re: Carl and Fang

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:17 am
by Wahn
After using your saveword in a current game version (Release 57 / Serial number 140901)
>nav lab
>nav library
Coming into the library, you notice that Fang isn't at his usual spot and as you look around, you just catch sight of the end of his tail as he vanishes up the stairs [...] the Fang + Carl event immediately fires. Watched them do it, waited 8 turns, fucked Carl. Hm, really having trouble of recreating what bug is going on on your end.

Re: Carl and Fang

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:11 am
by Starwing
Yeah, forgot to mention that it wasn't the latest patch that I was using then. It was just before. Don't remember when, but when I tried in the latest patch it fired off normally. Not sure what happened. Must have just been a random fluke.