Preferences Questionnaire

Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Lupiscanis » Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:50 pm

The gender of my player character is: Female, sometimes Herm.
Feats my character often/always has: Fertile / Selective Mother
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Yes

I prefer creature gender to be: Male, but I really don't mind.
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: Choice, primarily. I dislike forced scenes when winning
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: Whatever scene fits the creature I've lost to (but usually, as someone else put it, a damn good fucking).
The following creatures I like the most (why?): Huskies, wolves, dogs (canine fetish maybe?) - I tend to like anything that I consider well written, tbh.
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?): Anything that forces me into a decision without any choices (unless it's for an obvious reason).
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work): Snow
I'd love to see as new creature: More tentacles /nod

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Fang, Alexandra, Amy, Carl, Sandra, Snow, Sarah, Coleen, Helen/Xerxes (usually H).
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome: Just about any of them :)
The following NPCs I like the most (why?): Fang in particular - I play a sub female for the most part, so I enjoy making him an Alpha.
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):[/quote] Anything M/M, but purely because it doesn't fit my personal tastes. Also anything Vore/Unbirthing related, for the same reason.

Just to expand a little on my responses, I mostly just enjoy choice. I enjoy in particular the characters that have choice when it comes to their sex scenes. I'm all for being forced into a particular thing if the situation warrants it (such as Alpha Fang, and coming home late <3), but I also enjoy making my own decisions.

Another thing I'd like to say is how awesome all the writers are for incorporating some many different tastes into one game! Go you writer types you :p Something for everyone :)
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby ViralParadox » Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:24 pm

The gender of my player character is: Mainly female, but sometimes herm.

Feats my character often/always has: Fertile, Selective Mother, One Pair, Just One, Passing Grade Chest, Female/Herm Preferred, Iron Stomach, Microwaved, and Toughened.

Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Nope.

I prefer creature gender to be: Herm. Attitude towards other genders varies from creature to creature.

When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: Distinction between scenes for doms, subs, and players just trying to get off (those without either feat). Dom scenes are pretty much a given, player shows them who is really in charge and the loser acknowledges that. Players just trying to get off is pretty much just what is already in place, for the most part. For subs, how about rousing the dazed loser into some rough sex, maybe have them be a bit confused at the turn of events, or in the case of some creatures have a more warm love scene (sort of how the Herm Gryphon victory scene for females is) since they are getting what they wanted, but not being manhandled. I don't know if it would fall under sub, dom, both or neither, but there could also be the player as a power bottom. They are on the receiving end of some good, rough sex, but are still in full control.

When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: Similar to the above with distinction between doms, subs, and others, but this is already underway with some creatures. Further separation between loss scenes via submit as opposed the loss scenes after getting beat down/throwing the fight, with some variation in the player's attitude if they have the sub feat or not, would be nice. I guess if they had the dom feat, this would be a rather humiliating experience for them.

The following creatures I like the most (why?):
Black Equinoid- To me, they're basically Amazonian: Horse Edition with more content. I like what has been done with them, and can't wait to see what else will be done with them in the future.

Butterfly- Loving and vindictive. While her caring demeanor is what is experienced most, I was pleasantly surprised by the darker/more aggressive side of her when reading through her content. I wonder if it was ever meant to be expanded upon or explored.

Tigress Hooker- Somehow, I can never get angry at these felines. Their mechanics and somewhat modular scenes were particularly interesting to me. Can't wait to see if they'll be picked up again.

The following creatures I dislike the most (why?):
Any and all creatures with the auto-sex after beating them feature. This requires either always running away from these enemies or taking the Control Freak feat which makes you decide whether you want to participate in any post combat events after every single fight. This loses its appeal very quickly.

Herm Dolphin- Only issue is sort of similar to the above, but that the player suffers through two auto-rapes regardless of stats before it's safe to win if their libido is passed a threshold upon victory. The scenario itself is fine as it shows that she is rather clever. I just think the player should have a fighting chance and/or the ability to decide if it's even worth it instead of mindlessly waddling towards her and auto-fail.

Wolftaur- Even when beaten these guys continue to insult and talk down to the player. Yet for some reason the player smiles at this. It'd make sense if the player was a sub, sure, but most would probably crack his skull for cracking wise in that situation. Then the smile would make sense.

Cock Cannon- Their fight is one of two choices: 1) Burn it down before you auto-lose, or 2) Run for the hills before you auto-lose. While their existence can be explained with some twisted logic, playing as one results in nothing making sense.

Awesome Tree- Their fight is the the same as the Cock Cannon, except in this case the player is chastised for winning. Their existence doesn't any sense. At the moment they're just an annoying means to an end.

Elven Hunter, Incubus, Sand Man, Latex Vixen etc. - Basically all these people who are smug, condescending, and/or ridiculously narcissistic even after you beat the crap out of them. There really needs to be an option to punch/kick their teeth in, or an extra beat down scene like when you can give the Alpha Husky an extra post-combat smackdown. Bonus points if they acknowledge the player's supremacy in the future.

This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
Hyena Gang- Females should be able to fight the Matriarch. The player isn't exactly running around naked. How do they know if the player does or does not have a dick? If some kind of dick absolutely needs to be present, just use a strap-on.

Tentacle Horror- I'm a sucker for consentacles. For those that don't know what consentacles means: consensual tentacle sex. No rape, just those involved havin' a good time. Can be done through submission scenes, events, an NPC version either after a number of submissions/births or even one birthed by the player.

Ash Dragon Family- Needs victory scenes and variants for victory/loss if the player is an Ash What-Have-You themselves.

Strange Doll- I know it's not really a creature or NPC either, but I was always fascinated by it. Rather sad that the ending regarding it was turned into a coin toss to see if the player gets screwed over or not. Still, I can't help but wonder if it was ever meant for more. Story-wise, development-wise, or both.

Amazonian- At the moment she is about as bare bones as it gets. Most her scenes are very brief except her sub loss scene. That's about as long, if not longer, than all her other scenes combined. She has no endings, and virtually no presence in the museum beyond randomly bumping into her or being chosen from a random pool of enemies during an unrelated event.

Pretty much anything else that lacks endings and/or victory/loss scenes for each gender.

I'd love to see as new creature: I'd rather see expansion of current content than more new creatures.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Beta Fang, Valerie (Mostly for riddles and patrols), Alexandra (Good Path), Butterfly (I don't know if she has a name or not), Snow, Lisa, and Susan (if I'm playing a herm).

Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome: Don't care about threesomes all that much. Not against them, but I don't look for them either. As such, I have no idea what combos are already in the game anyway.

The following NPCs I like the most (why?):
Evil Brutus- He's a big, hulking demon monster that is now the player's minion. What's not to like? Except maybe when he's purified, then I find him kind of boring. The possibilities surrounding him have kept me very interested in him since he was first made available as a pet.

Beta Fang- He's a loyal wolf that the player 'recruits' and now guards and protects their home base. He always seemed like a cool guy to me and I don't mind having him around doing his own thing, within reason. Can't wait to see if he ever gets more love.

Snow- I really like her character and her upgrade ability is handy, although her desire for huge breasts confuses me.

Velos- He tells it like it is, and I find him greatly amusing. Too bad he needs to hitch a ride in the player's ass to do it though.

The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):
Leonard- I could rant a good long time on this, but I'll just summarize it into what I personally see him as. A deceitful, manipulative, pedophile rapist that has the innate desire to turn everyone into a submissive slut for him to use as he sees fit, all while hiding behind the illusion of a "cultured gentleman". I call him a pedophile because everything about the Feline creature/infection portrays them as children to me, partially sexualized though they may be, they're still kids in my eyes. Thus, I avoid them.

Sarah- She is the only character in the game that makes me feel so bad I need to reload a previous save when I find her so she won't exist.

Sgt. Marks- I just really don't like him as a person. I tend to do the Tigress Hooker quest chain just to ditch him and leave him to his fate.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Pazz » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:09 pm

The gender of my player character is: Male
Feats my character often/always has: Submissive, kinky, control freak.
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Yes. I always cheat in this game.

I prefer creature gender to be: Female/female-herm
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: Long scenes where the player gets dominated. Most scenes are short. Like the latex mistress, with the whip.
The following creatures I like the most (why?): Math teacher, Amazonian, Dark Elf, Shemale Coolie, Donkeywoman etc.
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work): Latex Mistress player lose scene. It's way too short. There are many herms that could use anal sex on the player.
I'd love to see as new creature: Someone dominant, like Hadiya.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Hadiya. That's it. Everyone else is either not dominant enough or male.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby bunnyfoxs » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:32 pm

The gender of my player character is: Male, sometimes herm

Feats my character often/always has: Mpreg/Fertile

Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Yes

I prefer creature gender to be: Male

When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: That I'm either able to dominate it or make it dominate me. Sometimes when character is male and being able to be impregnanted with the mpreg feat.

When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: That it dominates me aka anal for the most part. Being forcedly impregnanted by the creature or just leaving my character a mess after they're done.

The following creatures I like the most (why?):German Shepherd, Alpha Wolf, Demon Brute, Incubus. Because I think they have good scenes and I like being them.

The following creatures I dislike the most (why?): I won't say I hate them but I dislike to a point, Herm Gryphon

This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):

I'd love to see as new creature: I know it sounds like I'm obsessed with Mpreg when I'm really not, but I'm not sure what I would like to see more of? Perhaps a new npc that is male focused, perhaps gay,

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Eligah(I can't spell his name), Eric, Fang, sometimes human dog. I usually get Candy if I remember to, there are some npcs I haven't got yet because I'm not sure how to get them.

Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome: Fang and Human Dog, Fang and Eric.

The following NPCs I like the most (why?): Eh I pretty much all of them.

The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?): I don't really dislike them?

(That probably wasn't really helpful oop)
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:32 pm

The gender of my player character is: female or herm
Feats my character often/always has: Bouncy Bouncy, Selective Mother, Perky
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Yes, I prefer to hunt for scenes, not spend all my time scrounging food and water.

I prefer creature gender to be:
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath:
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath:
The following creatures I like the most (why?):
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?): Wrestling Wolf- the damage is outrageous for its level
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
I'd love to see as new creature:

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Honestly, just about all of the ones who aren't infectious.
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome:
The following NPCs I like the most (why?): Sammy- dracovixentaur herm! Angie & Midnight, Joanna, Christie
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?):[/quote] Leonard and Chase. Seriously, I want to beat the crap out of these two.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Blue Bishop » Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:34 am

ViralParadox wrote:Herm Dolphin- Only issue is sort of similar to the above, but that the player suffers through two auto-rapes regardless of stats before it's safe to win if their libido is passed a threshold upon victory. The scenario itself is fine as it shows that she is rather clever. I just think the player should have a fighting chance and/or the ability to decide if it's even worth it instead of mindlessly waddling towards her and auto-fail.

I've gone ahead and altered the rules for the Herm Dolphin's victory conditions. No content change, instead the game checks to see if you have 40+ libido or Dominant before offering the player a consent check.

I considered, for the longest time, the mechanic of making players -- after defeating a monster -- always succumb automatically to sex if they have a very high libido and/or low humanity. Ultimately, under very high scrutiny, I just couldn't see it really working as a mechanic across the entire board. This is not to say that these events won't ever happen, but they'll more likely remain very contextual gimmicks.

Under this reasoning, the Herm Dolphin doesn't do anything to warrant bypassing a consent check, even if it's asking for a very high libido.

ViralParadox wrote:Sarah- She is the only character in the game that makes me feel so bad I need to reload a previous save when I find her so she won't exist.

Ah. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah... Yeah, that's it, I've had enough! I think we've all been wanting this for a while now, so I'm bringing the hammer down.

I've completely rewritten the survive ending describing her, if you haven't turned her. No longer will the player be emasculated for doing the right thing. While it's certainly not a 'Rainbows and Unicorns' ending, it'll suffice, for now. My work here has yet to be finished...

Shoggoth on the Roof wrote:The following creatures I dislike the most (why?): Wrestling Wolf- the damage is outrageous for its level

I'll talk to Stripes about it, he does seem a little overtuned. I'm a little more forgiving of peculiar tuning with monsters that aren't in the main region, though, given the significantly reduced chance of bumping into them.

Edit: The Wrestling Wolf's base damage has been reduced to 18, down from 30.
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:41 am

That's a welcome change. Unless I was using the cattle prod it was a nearly impossible encounter when fighting it at or below its own level. Having a base damage of 30 just meant that I could never withstand more than a couple of hits, so successfully defeating him pretty much hinged on getting leveled up to the point where he couldn't hit me too easily.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby TigerStripes » Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:44 pm

Shoggoth on the Roof wrote:That's a welcome change. Unless I was using the cattle prod it was a nearly impossible encounter when fighting it at or below its own level. Having a base damage of 30 just meant that I could never withstand more than a couple of hits, so successfully defeating him pretty much hinged on getting leveled up to the point where he couldn't hit me too easily.

He used to be even more powerful in the past, but I'd already toned him down once as an interim adjustment. He is meant to be a very tough fight, but 30 was still too much. The new value should make him a challenge, but one that could be overcome once you've got a few levels above him. And since fights won't be over quite so quickly, he'll have more chances to pull off his signature move. :)
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:50 pm

Uh oh. :shock:
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: Preferences Questionnaire

Postby StripeGuy » Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:08 pm

The gender of my player character is: Male
Feats my character often/always has: Breeding True, Mpreg, Just One, Just One Pair, Like Attracts Like
Does the character usually use Automatic Survival? Nope.

I prefer creature gender to be: Male.
When winning a fight, I like as its aftermath: Turning the tables and going against expectations. Making big males my bitch, etc.
When losing a fight, I like as its aftermath: I really like getting tied up, pinned down, or simply paralyzed by the body's own actions (overcome with lust, etc), and having the victor creature really rub it in during the victory.
The following creatures I like the most (why?): Wolftaur, Husky, Stallionboi, Ocelot, Jaguar Warrior, Badger, Sugar Ferret, Skunk, Felinoid
I like a bit of humor and personality, which is why I like the Badger and Sugar Ferrets a lot. I also really enjoy humiliation, domination, and male-centric submission. The Skunk, StallionBoi and Ocelot infections produce a kind of feminine or boy-toy type body shape and actions, which is great too.
The following creatures I dislike the most (why?): Hulking Cheeleader, Latex Fox, Cock Cannon, Rodeo Clown
I dislike creatures that are A) Boring like the latex Fox, which has nothing really going for it, or B) I don't find sexy. I can get into some herms and females now and then, but giant muscle-hulk females, or really grotesque clowns are just...the opposite of sensual.
This creature or infection could use an update (multiple possible, say what you think needs work):
Heats - more of them, and with deeper effects.
I'd love to see as new creature:
I'm a content creator so I can do some of this myself, but I'd love to see the other side of the Ocelots. In general I'd like to see some more creatures that buck convention, like highly arrogant and dominant personalities placed on diminutive creatures, for example. Oh, more consequences to sex - not just mpreg and heats, though. I'm not sure how to code that.

I always/often bring home/visit these NPCs: Amy, Candy, Carl, David, Eric, Fang!, Macadamia, Onyx, Sam, Sven, Sarah
Threesomes and/or extra scenes between these bunker/library npcs would be awesome: Fang, Eric, Felinoid, Onyx!, Carl and David. (I would love an alternate Alpha Fang that pops his knot in the soldierboys - or several others.)
The following NPCs I like the most (why?): Mack, Fang, Felinoid, Onyx, - What can I say, I enjoy when a pet/NPC takes on a more toppish. dominant attitude that includes a bit of humiliation. And knots are HOT. Sven and Candy are great too because its that, but I get to be the one of top, which is fun. Doran is another, just from the way he talks.
The following NPCs I dislike the most (why?): Tehuantl -cumbersome and no option to keep him male. Icarus, Snow, Solstice - weird to get and just plain annoying.
Last edited by StripeGuy on Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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