Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:35 pm

Haven't made an update in a while.

8 of the planned 9 scenes for Doran have been coded in and are in the process of testing. Testing these scenes take a lot longer because 1) They're generally larger and more complicated than other scenes and 2) I'm very fussy about the quality of scenes for the dragon. It took a few days to finish one, and I just finished another. I imagine they won't get much longer than that, since the one I first worked on required a LOT of fiddling to get right.

The 9th scene is in a state of flux right now. It's entirely possible that the scene may end up as a variant to an existing one, so right now I'm just holding off on it until everything else is attended to, and there's a lot.

As you can guess, the goal here is to have everything done before the end of the month. Failing that, I'll send the Ash Dragon replacements for now. The reason I haven't sent the replacements right now is because the changes are so involved that they call for a blog post detailing it, and I want to make a blog post when everything is finished. Even if I fail the end of the month goal, it should be close enough that I can afford to float a blog post for a few more days to finish what remains.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:52 pm

The 8 scenes I have coded in for Doran are... Done? A few of them still feel like I need to poke them with a stick for a bit longer, but they're at least 90% satisfactory.

I'll give you the breakdown here, since we're entering the home stretch. I've been polishing these scenes in something of a vacuum -- I test the scenes in game by calling up a cheat command, rather than going to the dragon himself to test -- but now I'm focused on testing Doran specifically. There's a lot of mechanical and scene additions/tweaks, new UI elements, and various tuning tests that I need to run through in order to be sure everything functions properly.

I spent the day focusing on that, and most everything looks to be in order now. I'm never very decisive when it comes to saying it's 'done', but it's close. I need to make doubly sure the new scenes will appear in a reasonable fashion, and other subtleties.

So, right now I need to focus on the 9th remaining scene, which has thus far been in something of a purgatory state -- I needed to invest a lot more time and energy simply thinking about it, time that could be spent more efficiently working on everything else, but now it remains my sole major task.

If you happen to be my commissioner who requested an additional scene be made, this is not that scene. Your baby is nice and snug inside his extension. Really, the scene in question just happens to be a little out of my realm of familiarity.

After that scene is tended to it's a final run-through, removing various dev cheats and organizing things for a final glance over before they'll be sent off. We're getting there!
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:33 am

Oh, hey... pfffhoo. . .

"Oh heavens, finally, after months of delays I'm on target for my schedules! Finally! Nothing could go wrong now, right?"

". . .Right?"

More info to come, as things develop.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:44 am

So, yeah, as the blog post says, we're pretty much dead in the water right now until this error is resolved. We're waiting and hoping that the people at Inform can help us with this.

This started to crop up at around the time Micaela was being implemented. We presumed it had something to do with her but, as it turned out, we had tripped some invisible file limit.

I decided to prep the Ash Dragon replacement for release -- the idea being that, while I polish Doran, I can go ahead and see if any immediate red flags pop up with the changes when they go live. I never got past final compile tests, as I had to update my version of inform to make sure everything lined up.

Our goal is still to squeeze the replacements in, since they interact with key mechanics and don't take up that much space, but any updates to Doran are suspended until a solution to this problem is found.

What a pain.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri May 01, 2015 6:16 am

Replacements officially squeezed, assuming they successfully merge without breaking anything.

Quick crash course, all the Ash dragons are now referred to as Ebonflame (So, Ebonflame Whelp, for example), with the Drakenoid also having her name trimmed down to just Draken.

The dragator and especially the whelp interact with Pregnancy in invasive ways. If you want to dodge this, just type in "neuter ebonflame" to deactivate it.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Songbird » Fri May 01, 2015 11:44 am

Blue Bishop wrote:Quick crash course, all the Ash dragons are now referred to as Ebonflame (So, Ebonflame Whelp, for example), with the Drakenoid also having her name trimmed down to just Draken.

Pardon if I'm missing any obvious context here, but what prompted the transition from Ash Dragons to Ebonflame?
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri May 01, 2015 6:34 pm

Songbird wrote:
Blue Bishop wrote:Quick crash course, all the Ash dragons are now referred to as Ebonflame (So, Ebonflame Whelp, for example), with the Drakenoid also having her name trimmed down to just Draken.

Pardon if I'm missing any obvious context here, but what prompted the transition from Ash Dragons to Ebonflame?

There's some very old drama circling around the original Ash dragons and their creator. For that reason, we pretty much left the plot thread alone to stagnate.

Our choices were to quietly ignore it, remove it, or completely replace it with something relatively similar, but written entirely by a current writer. I took the lattermost approach, as you can no doubt see.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Songbird » Fri May 01, 2015 9:28 pm

Blue Bishop wrote:some very old drama

I see. Yeah, I'm familiar with the trouble of drama. Good on you for taking initiative and reworking the content!
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Mon May 04, 2015 4:20 am

Doran has been sent, and will hopefully compile into the main game.

It'll be some 24 hours before an official blog post is made, so I'm not saying anything about the new content just yet; find out for yourself if/when it goes live!

Since this is just between you and me, consider yourself to be something of a "Beta tester" before it's officially announced, if you're into the dragon. Hopefully there's no major bugs I missed, which is entirely possible given how large this update is...

In the interim, I'll likely be updating the wiki.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri May 08, 2015 10:12 am

I've been spending the last few days behind the scenes, writing a couple articles, and doing a lot of organizing. Things of note:
  • Items can now have a "Cum" classification and all existing ejaculate has been assigned to it.
  • The Hawkman and Pewter Consort now drop their seed, to further populate the game with items of that sort.

These changes are something of a prelude to my Dragonpalooza Finishing. Now that they're in, I can deal with the lingering mechanics remaining for Doran's body modification update. At least, after I finish another key item or two...

Edit: I was 'Ballsy' enough to add one of those key items. Though its interaction with Doran isn't set up yet, the player is free to use it for themselves. See if you can find it!
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