Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby Theris » Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:10 pm

I'm trying to get a build environment set up for FS, and while I think I have things mostly correct, I'm getting a compiler error that I cannot understand at all.

I have done the following things so far:

  • I have downloaded and installed Inform 7 for Windows.
  • I have downloaded the FS Github repository using Git on Cygwin.
  • I have created a new project called "test" in Inform, and subsequently closed Inform without adding new content to this project.
  • I have used Link Shell Extension to create junctions from directories in the Git repo to relevant locations in Inform's directory structure. This allows me to have the files accessible by Inform 7 in the directories that the program expects them to be in while still being able to use the Git repo.
    • I have junctioned the Inform directory of the repo to C:\Users\<me>\Documents\Inform\Projects\test.inform\Source (I renamed the junction from "Inform" to "Source" after having created it).
    • I have junctioned the Figures directory of the repo to C:\Users\<me>\Documents\Inform\Projects\test.inform\Figures.
    • I have junctioned every directory in the repository other than ".git", "Inform", "Figures", "Flexible Infection", and "Flexible Society Main File" to corresponding directories in C:\Users\<me>\Documents\Inform\Extensions.

The interface of Inform now shows FS's main .i7 source code file when the Source tab is active, and it also shows the extensions of the Git repo under the Extensions tab. However, my attempts to compile FS (using the latest commit to the repository as of this post) have produced this error:

In Book 10 - Let the Games Begin:

Problem. I am unable to put any value into the variable '| ub* a |', because sound name is a kind of value with no actual values.

Googling the type of error message turns up a seemingly unrelated bug report in Inform 7 and absolutely nothing else. This error message is especially confusing to me, considering that a "grep -r "ub\*" ." run on the Git directory shows that no source files contain the text "ub*".

Does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this? Is there anything else that I might still need to do to create a build environment?
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby wyvvern » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:26 am

You need 2 folders in your project folder for the project. One will be named Foo.inform and one will be named Foo.materials. The "Figures" folder belongs in the Foo.materials" folder. This is also where Inform will place the "Release" folder when a version compiles. The extensions all go in the Extensions folder, of course - except for the flexible society main/flexible infection/and the inform folder which contains the main story file. from the inform folder goes into the Foo.inform/Source folder.

I can't get the current git version to compile either (using release 6L38) and I have been able to compile previous versions.

I'm getting the " Bracket mismatch when registering" error which is a known bug in Inform 7 when there's an issue with parsing the code that the compiler can't properly resolve (see: )

The problem is with the current source, I suspect.

Addendum: yeah, I just found and loaded up the source I downloaded on 4/16 and it compiles correctly. Probably an issue with the latest commits.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby Theris » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:12 pm

Thanks for the help, wyvvern. I created a new junction to the Figures directory at C:\Users\<me>\Documents\Inform\Projects\test.materials\Figures, and while the current source still fails to compile with the same error message, a prior commit does compile successfully (though I had to bump MAX_NUM_STATIC_STRINGS to a number higher than 160000 in order for the code to build without issues; I arbitrarily chose to double this cap to 320000 when I built the code).

Again, thanks.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby wyvvern » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:46 pm

You're welcome. Happy you were able to get it working.

Inform really wasn't built for projects the size and scope of FS. It's also buggy, and prone to behave differently on different systems (I have no problem compiling with a MAX_NUM_STATIC_STRINGS of 160000, for example.) I'd suggest knocking it down to something like 180000 or so if that will work without the dreaded code 10 error. Sizes too large and the i6 compiler takes even longer than it normally does.

I wrote a medium sized game in Inform a while back and enjoyed it, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on the new engine project for FS.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby xinacs » Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:59 am

The source of the problem does not really seem to be an error in a script file. The compiler itself seems to be running into a limit, but one that he does not manage to display properly like MAX_SYMBOLS or the ones.
If you disable the include for any big file or comment out some larger code portion (e.g. not include "Panther Herm by Sarokcat" (Sorry, Sarokcat! This is purely random. I have nothing against you or the Panther Herm. ^^)) the game compiles again.
I have played around with all known (to me) compiler limit settings, but did not manage to overcome this. The game might compile on some systems and might crash on others, because the compiler itself is a native application that is different on every system and seems to also run with different default limits.

EDIT: I also had to increase MAX_NUM_STATIC_STRINGS to make it work.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby Razor75 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:28 am

Any way to get this thing to compile faster? This is going to make testing changes a serious pain.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby TigerStripes » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:03 pm

Razor75 wrote:Any way to get this thing to compile faster? This is going to make testing changes a serious pain.

Choosing the 'Go!' button rather than the 'Release' button is likely slightly faster, as it is not writing a completed .gblorb file, but the bulk of the time is because of the huge nature of our game. I know your pain though. My old laptop really chugged back whenever I was traveling and using it for writing/coding. My new computer is better, but we've continued to grow and it's gradually taking longer and longer.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby Gryphbear » Wed May 17, 2017 4:51 pm

Hello - I was wondering - what is a Code 11 in Inform? It's failing to Compile the FS game that I downloaded from Github. I tried to follow the directions in this thread - with the exception of connecting it to Github, which I don't know if it's required to work or not.

I do have a Github account now but I haven't the faintest idea how to use it yet. (Sorry. :( )

Translating the Source - Failed
The application ran your source text through the Inform 7 compiler, as usual, but the compiler unexpectedly failed. This should not happen even if your source text is gibberish, so you may have uncovered a bug in the program.

When a program like the I7 compiler fails, it typically returns an error number: this time, the number was 11, and that probably indicates that the compiler failed to manage its data structures properly. Perhaps you created a complicated situation on which it has not been fully tested.

The best option now is probably to reword whatever was last changed and to try again. Subsequent attempts will not be affected by the failure of this one, so there is nothing to be gained by restarting the application or the computer. A failed run should never damage the source text, so your work cannot be lost.

I'm not entirely sure what it means - other than it has to do with data structures?
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby Wahn » Thu May 18, 2017 7:56 am

There should be a detailed breakdown why the compile didn't work in the inform console... that should tell you the line of code and reason why things didn't work out.
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Re: Trying to Set Up Build Environment

Postby Gryphbear » Thu May 18, 2017 3:06 pm

Okay. I checked the Console as well -

It lists the files it's reading, right? Here is the entire list - I'm wondering if I put some files in the wrong spot or something. This is version 6M62:

Code: Select all

(From the Console report:)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\ni \
    -internal "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Internal" -project "C:\Users\gryph\Documents\Inform\Projects\Flexible Survival.inform" -format=ulx
Inform 7 build 6M62 has started.
I've now read your source text, which is 53872 words long.
I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 42655 words long.
I've also read English Language by Graham Nelson, which is 2297 words long.
I've also read Basic Help Menu by Emily Short, which is 2368 words long.
I've also read Menus by Emily Short, which is 2045 words long.
I've also read Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short, which is 2218 words long.
I've also read FS Graphics by Core Mechanics, which is 3408 words long.
I've also read Text Capture by Eric Eve, which is 1210 words long.
I've also read Inline Hyperlinks by Nuku Valente, which is 3961 words long.
I've also read Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short, which is 2182 words long.
I've also read Patron Credits by Nuku Valente, which is 162 words long.
I've also read Presets by Core Mechanics, which is 163 words long.
I've also read Shifting by Hellerhound, which is 1778 words long.
I've also read Qytat Shifters by Hellerhound, which is 217 words long.
I've also read Fucking by Core Mechanics, which is 1785 words long.
I've also read Needy Heat for FS by Core Mechanics, which is 2069 words long.
I've also read Church Of The Maternal Beast For Fs by Guest Writers, which is 11365 words long.
I've also read Wereraptor for FS by Stripes, which is 15355 words long.
I've also read Pets by Core Mechanics, which is 877 words long.
I've also read Feats by Core Mechanics, which is 3571 words long.
I've also read Pepperspray by Stripes, which is 403 words long.
I've also read E-shocker by Stripes, which is 1518 words long.
I've also read Masturbate by Core mechanics, which is 1697 words long.
I've also read Alt Combat by Core Mechanics, which is 12806 words long.
I've also read Alt Vore by Core Mechanics, which is 20743 words long.
I've also read BFandI by Core Mechanics, which is 2020 words long.
I've also read Parasite by Stripes, which is 6297 words long.
I've also read NPC Debug by Wahn, which is 244 words long.
I've also read Pregnancy by Core Mechanics, which is 6132 words long.
I've also read Gender Pronouns by Core Mechanics, which is 1544 words long.
I've also read Bound State Universals by Core Mechanics, which is 247 words long.
I've also read Assorted Items by Stripes, which is 794 words long.
I've also read Zephyr Inc by Nuku Valente, which is 8537 words long.
I've also read Red Light by Hiccup, which is 316 words long.
I've also read High Rise District by Guest Writers, which is 300 words long.
I've also read Stables Hotel by Sarokcat, which is 2885 words long.
I've also read New Ewe Store by Sarokcat, which is 12045 words long.
I've also read Hyena Hideout by Stripes, which is 10770 words long.
I've also read Museum by Sarokcat, which is 4238 words long.
I've also read Tiger Den by Sarokcat, which is 6433 words long.
I've also read Pirate Island by Sarokcat, which is 3739 words long.
I've also read Tattoo Parlor by Sarokcat, which is 2043 words long.
I've also read Stablemasters by Sarokcat, which is 3537 words long.
I've also read Approaching the Capitol Building for FS by Guest Writers, which is 1581 words long.
I've also read Underwater Zone For Fs by Hellerhound, which is 1439 words long.
I've also read Power Plant by Hellerhound, which is 2591 words long.
I've also read Zoo by Hellerhound, which is 2571 words long.
I've also read Qytat a'th Lundrues by hellerhound, which is 1646 words long.
I've also read Artemis by Stripes, which is 51067 words long.
I've also read Hobo by Stripes, which is 3220 words long.
I've also read Aurora by Stripes, which is 3929 words long.
I've also read Ryousei by Wahn, which is 22650 words long.
I've also read Korvin by Stripes, which is 13208 words long.
I've also read Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short, which is 1138 words long.

Compiler finished with code 11

With Version 6L38: (Which is a bit more clearer to me)

Code: Select all
In Section - Event types in the extension Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short:

Problem. The sentence 'The g-events are timer-event, char-event, line-event, mouse-event, arrange-event, redraw-event, sound-notify-event, and hyperlink-event'   appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'g-events' and 'timer-event' as two different things, and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it would be like saying that 'Clark Kent is Lex Luthor'. It would be all right if the second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance 'Metropolis is a lighted room' says that something called Metropolis exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know about, combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
In Section - The glulx input handling rulebook in the extension Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short:

Problem. The sentence 'The glulx input handling rules are a g-event based rulebook'   appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'glulx input handling rules' and 'g-event based rulebook' as two different things, and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it would be like saying that 'Clark Kent is Lex Luthor'. It would be all right if the second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance 'Metropolis is a lighted room' says that something called Metropolis exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know about, combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
In Chapter 3 - Pet Ares in the extension Ares by Wahn:

Problem. An internal error has occurred: # in registration of subset meaning. The current sentence is 'human dog is a pet'  ; the error was detected at line 462 of "inform7/Chapter 10/Excerpt Meanings.w". This should never happen, and I am now halting in abject failure.

What has happened here is that one of the checks Inform carries out internally, to see if it is working properly, has failed. There must be a bug in this copy of Inform. It may be worth checking whether you have the current, up-to-date version. If so, please report this problem via

 As for fixing your source text to avoid this bug, the last thing you changed is probably the cause, if there is a simple cause. Your source text might in fact be wrong, and the problem might be occurring because Inform has failed to find a good way to say so. But even if your source text looks correct, there are probably rephrasings which would achieve the same effect.


Code: Select all
C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Compilers\ni \
    -internal "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inform 7\Internal" -project "C:\Users\gryph\Documents\Inform\Projects\Flexible Survival.inform" -format=ulx
Inform 7 build 6L38 has started.
I've now read your source text, which is 53872 words long.
I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 42616 words long.
I've also read English Language by Graham Nelson, which is 2288 words long.
I've also read Basic Help Menu by Emily Short, which is 2368 words long.
I've also read Menus by Emily Short, which is 2045 words long.
I've also read Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short, which is 2218 words long.
I've also read FS Graphics by Core Mechanics, which is 3408 words long.
I've also read Text Capture by Eric Eve, which is 1210 words long.
I've also read Inline Hyperlinks by Nuku Valente, which is 3961 words long.
I've also read Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short, which is 2182 words long.
I've also read Patron Credits by Nuku Valente, which is 162 words long.
I've also read Presets by Core Mechanics, which is 163 words long.
I've also read Shifting by Hellerhound, which is 1778 words long.
I've also read Qytat Shifters by Hellerhound, which is 217 words long.
I've also read Fucking by Core Mechanics, which is 1785 words long.
I've also read Needy Heat for FS by Core Mechanics, which is 2069 words long.
I've also read Church Of The Maternal Beast For Fs by Guest Writers, which is 11365 words long.
I've also read Wereraptor for FS by Stripes, which is 15355 words long.
I've also read Pets by Core Mechanics, which is 877 words long.
I've also read Feats by Core Mechanics, which is 3571 words long.
I've also read Pepperspray by Stripes, which is 403 words long.
I've also read E-shocker by Stripes, which is 1518 words long.
I've also read Masturbate by Core mechanics, which is 1697 words long.
I've also read Alt Combat by Core Mechanics, which is 12806 words long.
I've also read Alt Vore by Core Mechanics, which is 20743 words long.
I've also read BFandI by Core Mechanics, which is 2020 words long.
I've also read Parasite by Stripes, which is 6297 words long.
I've also read NPC Debug by Wahn, which is 244 words long.
I've also read Pregnancy by Core Mechanics, which is 6132 words long.
I've also read Gender Pronouns by Core Mechanics, which is 1544 words long.
I've also read Bound State Universals by Core Mechanics, which is 247 words long.
I've also read Assorted Items by Stripes, which is 794 words long.
I've also read Zephyr Inc by Nuku Valente, which is 8537 words long.
I've also read Red Light by Hiccup, which is 316 words long.
I've also read High Rise District by Guest Writers, which is 300 words long.
I've also read Stables Hotel by Sarokcat, which is 2885 words long.
I've also read New Ewe Store by Sarokcat, which is 12045 words long.
I've also read Hyena Hideout by Stripes, which is 10770 words long.
I've also read Museum by Sarokcat, which is 4238 words long.
I've also read Santa Claws by Wahn, which is 6346 words long.
I've also read Egyptian Wing by Xenophiliac, which is 15653 words long.
I've also read Wild Mustang by Wahn, which is 10185 words long.
I've also read Boghrim by Wahn, which is 44388 words long.
I've also read Bastet by Wahn, which is 9051 words long.
I've also read Denise by Wahn, which is 7266 words long.
I've also read Danny by Wahn, which is 12933 words long.
I've also read Ares by Wahn, which is 26832 words long.
I've also read Urik by Wahn, which is 5140 words long.
I've also read Finn by Wahn, which is 7320 words long.
I've also read Wendy by Wahn, which is 3668 words long.
I've also read Corbin by Wahn, which is 21964 words long.
I've also read Anthony by Wahn, which is 8635 words long.
I've also read Duke by Wahn, which is 7712 words long.
I've also read Skarnoth by Wahn, which is 6700 words long.
I've also read Farmhands by Wahn, which is 8242 words long.
I've also read Alexandra Cuckolding by Wahn, which is 3036 words long.
I've also read Gryphon Companion by Sarokcat, which is 15440 words long.
I've also read Little Fox by Sarokcat, which is 1047 words long.
I've also read Felinoid Companion by Sarokcat, which is 13173 words long.
I've also read Kitty Cat by Sarokcat, which is 1934 words long.
I've also read Skunk Pet by Sarokcat, which is 3700 words long.
I've also read Exotic Bird by Sarokcat, which is 1067 words long.
I've also read Rachel Mouse by Stripes, which is 5754 words long.
I've also read Honey by Stripes, which is 5238 words long.
I've also read Artemis by Stripes, which is 51067 words long.
I've also read Hobo by Stripes, which is 3220 words long.
I've also read Aurora by Stripes, which is 3929 words long.
I've also read Ryousei by Wahn, which is 22650 words long.
I've also read Korvin by Stripes, which is 13208 words long.
I've also read Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short, which is 1138 words long.
In Section - Event types in the extension Glulx Entry Points by Emily
  >--> The sentence 'The g-events are timer-event, char-event, line-event,
    mouse-event, arrange-event, redraw-event, sound-notify-event, and
    hyperlink-event' (C:\Users\gryph\Documents\Inform\Extensions\emily
    short\glulx entry points.i7x, line 128) appears to say two things are the
    same - I am reading 'g-events' and 'timer-event' as two different things,
    and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it would be
    like saying that 'Clark Kent is Lex Luthor'. It would be all right if the
    second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance
    'Metropolis is a lighted room' says that something called Metropolis exists
    and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know about, combined with a
    property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
 In Section - The glulx input handling rulebook in the extension Glulx Entry
  Points by Emily Short:
  >--> The sentence 'The glulx input handling rules are a g-event based
    rulebook' (C:\Users\gryph\Documents\Inform\Extensions\emily short\glulx
    entry points.i7x, line 209) appears to say two things are the same - I am
    reading 'glulx input handling rules' and 'g-event based rulebook' as two
    different things, and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the
    other: it would be like saying that 'Clark Kent is Lex Luthor'. It would be
    all right if the second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with
    properties: for instance 'Metropolis is a lighted room' says that something
    called Metropolis exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know
    about, combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
 In Chapter 3 - Pet Ares in the extension Ares by Wahn:
  >--> An internal error has occurred: # in registration of subset meaning. The
    current sentence is 'human dog is a pet' (C:\Users\gryph\Documents\Inform\Extensions\wahn\ares.i7x, line 648);
    the error was detected at line 462 of "inform7/Chapter 10/Excerpt
    Meanings.w". This should never happen, and I am now halting in abject

Compiler finished with code 1

So I am not sure if I've goofed up on the file locations/outdated files, or whatever. I'm wondering if those files need to be updated? I'm not sure if the Inform 7 program has the patch for that memory thing by now that was mentioned in another post about Inform running out of memory since FS is so large.
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