New Writer Submission

Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Wahn » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:54 am

Well, if you really want to add more, there are of course the other pets to consider... the fox and crab for example might play with him. Cleansed Brutus would carefully pet him, etc.

Also, do open up communications with enigma about interactions with Selena, the catgirl he`s got set up to grow up on the farm.
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Xenophiliac » Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:37 am

Well, if you really want to add more, there are of course the other pets to consider... the fox and crab for example might play with him. Cleansed Brutus would carefully pet him, etc.
Also, do open up communications with enigma about interactions with Selena, the catgirl he`s got set up to grow up on the farm.

I'll probably throw them on the backburner for now, but any interactions like that are good ideas that i usually forget to consider. I'll probably end up including a ton of them by the end project, a few for npcs/pets that fit and possible suggested ones, but i'd like to hash out/construct the main sections(?) of the nerd bird first. Was kind of referring more towards the status of the actual talk scenes of bird-player with that question, but i can't english well sometimes. Would 5-esque big, repeatable scenes between player and bird be (adequate, normal?) at this stage of the project, if you had to take an educated guess? If that's the case and/or it's left up to my discretion, i'll put some notes down regarding other pets and such, and then work on the next part of the bird

& I'm assuming i'm good to go regarding the next "life stage" of the birdie? That's kind of what my question regarding someone going over what i've written was geared towards. I don't know if you or any of the mods/heavyweights usually go through what's actually been written, but I don't wanna keep chugging out large chunks of content for this thing if you guys go over stuff. Wouldn't want to continue massive updates if that puts more read-through work on your shoulders. Otherwise i'll spell check and do other possible cleaning, then move forward.

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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Wahn » Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:17 am

Would 5-esque big, repeatable scenes between player and bird be (adequate, normal?) at this stage of the project, if you had to take an educated guess?

Hm, not quite... terms like extraordinary and awesome come to mind. A regular good npc has a few variants for sex and talking... maybe 2-3. You`ve taken an idea that I had ages ago and left as a stub and set the current result among the most developed events and npcs the game has to offer in one fell swoop. Awesome job. :)

As for proofreading... well, the three of us who`ve been here alone all this time do not usually check each other`s code in depth. There is an assumption that the other will know what he is doing, and fix it if he messes up.
I`ll try to look through your file tonight if that is your wish...
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Wahn » Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:07 am

Okay, let's see...

- Added a commented out Version line at the top
- Do use a few more "-" to split apart combined words. Makes em easier to read... so "back-burner" instead of "backburner" and "human-like" instead of "humanlike", etc.
- You had some ’ that appeared in place of ' -
- There were some typos, which my spellchecker found and exterminated. Though it usually can't find all of them - we'll see if our players give any reports (which only rarely happens, sadly)
- I made some changes here and there in word choice and sentence structure, too many to list separately - do a file-compare or use git to see the differences between one version and the other.

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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Xenophiliac » Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:44 pm

- Added a commented out Version line at the top
- Do use a few more "-" to split apart combined words. Makes em easier to read... so "back-burner" instead of "backburner" and "human-like" instead of "humanlike", etc.
- You had some ’ that appeared in place of ' -
- There were some typos, which my spellchecker found and exterminated. Though it usually can't find all of them - we'll see if our players give any reports (which only rarely happens, sadly)
- I made some changes here and there in word choice and sentence structure, too many to list separately - do a file-compare or use git to see the differences between one version and the other.

Oh no, I didn't mean for you to go through and proofread it if you didn't have time :o
I was just curious if that was how things were done, didn't want to keep working if it loaded more stuff on your guys' shoulders
Thanks a shitton for doing that though :D

Also, what's a good amount of turns for each life stage to last?
The egglaying stage is 20, the hatchling is 40, and i was thinking about making the adolescent phase the same as the hatchling
is 100 turns until adulthood and fun time content too long for the 240(?) esque turn game?

And uh, is there a canonical color for the gryphons in FS?
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Wahn » Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:12 pm

Well, there are ways to extend gameplay and the play on cheat... so you can give the phases some length. I`d be worried that the player might miss a lot of the progression if they were too fast, actually. That`s why I recommended to enigma that he let Selena grow up in sudden bursts after events, allowing the player to savour all of them and not miss the good stuff. Actually, you could give the players 3 turns warning or so before the egg is laid or hatches... so they can be there if they want without undoing a bunch of turns. Also, mayve highlight the "somewhere something happened" texts in bold... they are easy to miss between all the other stuff.

As for gryphon color.. no, not really any canon. Everything is... flexible in FS. You have a wide variety to choose from. The anthro gryphons are blue, for example. Or you could give him cow spots in black and white ;)

I didn`t have time to go through each sentence of the hatchling scenes thoroughly, so there still might be some repetitions there... in my experience, you`ll be able to see such things if you read your own stuff a day or two after writing ut, so maybe have another quick look over your stuff. Otherwise I`ll give you what I still can find when I do my next FS playthrough.
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Xenophiliac » Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:22 pm

Well, there are ways to extend gameplay and the play on cheat... so you can give the phases some length. I`d be worried that the player might miss a lot of the progression if they were too fast, actually. That`s why I recommended to enigma that he let Selena grow up in sudden bursts after events, allowing the player to savour all of them and not miss the good stuff. Actually, you could give the players 3 turns warning or so before the egg is laid or hatches... so they can be there if they want without undoing a bunch of turns. Also, maybe highlight the "somewhere something happened" texts in bold... they are easy to miss between all the other stuff.

As for gryphon color.. no, not really any canon. Everything is... flexible in FS. You have a wide variety to choose from. The anthro gryphons are blue, for example. Or you could give him cow spots in black and white ;)

I didn't have time to go through each sentence of the hatchling scenes thoroughly, so there still might be some repetitions there... in my experience, you'll be able to see such things if you read your own stuff a day or two after writing it, so maybe have another quick look over your stuff. Otherwise I`ll give you what I still can find when I do my next FS playthrough.

Alright, ill rig up some bold and make some warning messages real quick
i'll run through and rehash whatever needs rehashed

I made him/her/it classic gryphon colors for now, but cow spots will definitely be an option for the modified physical forms, when i figure them out/do them, plus other stuff when i figure out what else :/
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Wahn » Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:34 pm

Xenophiliac wrote:I made him/her/it classic gryphon colors for now, but cow spots will definitely be an option for the modified physical forms, when i figure them out/do them, plus other stuff when i figure out what else :/

Just do what you can and want to. As I said, this is already far beyond the usual creatures in FS. And none of what I keep throwing at you is meant in a "This must be in ASAP!" way. Just... nice things to have, if you feel like it. You`re supposed to have fun, creating sexy beasts in your free time.

That said... cock shapes seem an obvious point for further change. Knotted, with or without sheath, equine, prehensile tentacled, star-shaped head, ... there are loads of possibilities.
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Xenophiliac » Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:03 am

Just do what you can and want to. As I said, this is already far beyond the usual creatures in FS. And none of what I keep throwing at you is meant in a "This must be in ASAP!" way. Just... nice things to have, if you feel like it. You're supposed to have fun, creating sexy beasts in your free time -- Wahn

Can do, been what i've been doin'
And im totally fine with including other offshoots/whatever, i usually just forget to consider them :/

A more long-term point to discuss:
Now, on the aspect of saving this NPC and the apparent plans to have its appearance vary quite a bit based on applied items - that sounds like it'll involve a lot of variables and be quite messy for saving. You're definitely getting into the range of a very complex project with this one. That said, thankfully we've already engineered a solution for this one - Elijah's interactions. They are all compressed into a string of numerical text that is encoded/decoded as needed. I know this is further down the road for your project, but since players will likely want their customized hatchling NPC to remain the same when restoring their save, I think it's best to at least mention this now as a means to do that as long as you can limit the altered features to a specific set. I can see this perhaps including elements like:
- skin colour: special colours and patterns (like cow print)
- secondary skin type: additional scaly patches, special fur, latex hide, etc.
- cock form: gryphon/equine/canine/human/etc.
- cock size (and ball size): none/small/med/large/huge
- udder? - yes or no
- tail - gryphon/horse/wolf/lizard/etc.
and maybe a couple of others.

There'd need to be a fixed list of these, though not all need to be assigned immediately. You just need to plan a fixed set (maybe 8 or so). Each would be a single digit with each value meaning a different result. As an item is applied, any slots that are changed are appropriately adjusted by changing individual characters within the string variable. That string can then be saved in the saveword. Upon restoring, it is read and decompressed, assigning each variable the appropriate value. Scenes can then be built to react as needed and the description can vary depending on the values of the variables. Some scenes, like milking if it has an udder, could even become available if the necessary criteria are met. -- TigerStripes

That said... cock shapes seem an obvious point for further change. Knotted, with or without sheath, equine, prehensile tentacled, star-shaped head, ... there are loads of possibilities. -- Wahn

But what Stripes suggested a while back/what you said is something I totally want to implement; but i want to get the majority of the content written and fleshed out before i dig through a system that has changes and saveword coding like that. Need to go through Elijah & get help with other coding parts when the time comes, but that shouldn't cause issues. Need to also figure out how the player accesses the ability to change the beast's physical form, but that'll probably just be a certain item combo or something.

Shit, maybe I should poll the community on the different cock/tail/skin/{physical part} parts that would be accessible :!:

~I'm also looking for ideas for talk scenes regarding the "teen/adolescent" stage of the gryphon. I have a few ideas (introduce the beast to the outside farm, hunting down animals nearby, a play scene with rough-housing {nothing smexy just yet}), and possibly some stuff with the farmhands, though thatd be probably a one-off. otherwise, im scrounging a bit for ideas, and i dont want to "reuse" major scene ideas from earlier stages D:
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Re: New Writer Submission

Postby Xenophiliac » Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:45 pm

Alright, wrote up gryphon adolescent descriptions and an introduction to outside scene. Really need to debug soon though :/
My descriptions regarding the changes in the gryphon's genitalia from hatchling-->adolescent were not the best, imo. If someone could go through those 3(?) paragraphs and tell me what they think/how to improve descriptions of them, i'd be quite thankful. I can also post them on here for ease of reading, but I didn't want to clutter the post up without needing to yet.

-In regards to another project i've wrote up a few paragraphs for, what's the (rule? edicts?) on heavily mythological-inspired places/people? I know that there are a few myth-influenced stuffs in FS, but the man i'm working on has a distinctly Egyptian feel/tone to him and his area. It's set up so that the player finds a buried/ruined pyramid in the plains with that same Egyptian feel, so i dont know if that would work out canonically ({possible} Egyptian stuff buried in dry plains)

-Also, Lone Wanderer's thread got me thinking on the idea of even just touching up a few of the monsters roaming around the city. There are a few where typos are killing me, and there are another few that i'd like to see victory/defeat content implemented, even if it's by me. I mentioned something regarding this a while back, but what's the mandate regarding editing/adding onto other's content? I would really prefer to get the author's expressed permission to do so, but that may not be possible for everything and everyone.
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