Project:Kristen the Arctic Fox

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Project:Kristen the Arctic Fox

Postby TigerStripes » Thu May 01, 2014 3:54 am

[quote="TigerStripes"]Developer: Stripes
Commissioner: Kristen
Status: IN-PRODUCTION: Completion of TF & vixen NPC
Completion: Phase 1: ~90%, Phase 2: 0%

IN-PRODUCTION: Portions of the content which are partially completed and being expanded upon now or in the future.
NEXT: The content planned to come out with the current donation.
PENDING: The content which is part of the overall plan and will eventually be produced as the project is completed.
POTENTIAL: Extra content which may or may not be made. Some of these might be made while fulfilling the main PENDING content or as random improvements, but otherwise would need specific interest to be created.
DONE: Content just added.

Rough outline:
Rescued from some ewes, Kristen is an uninfected human female who's been hiding in Janice's old apartment. Upon learning that her friend is safe, the vixen has the player give her a blouse of hers as a sign that she's still alive and well. Unbeknownst to the player, the blouse is booby-trapped and starts Kristen on the road to transformation. Kristen's transformation occurs over several visits during which she goes through the five stages of grief - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. During this time, the player can opt to be supportive, seductive or forceful in how he reacts to her spreading infection. The choice is provided on each visit, but can only be made for equal or lower options, never one better than the last chosen. When her transformation is complete, her personality and content will differ to varying degrees depending on the player's final choice. More content is planned after the transformation and tf'd NPC is completed.

NOTE: The Kristen NPC is based off the fursona of the same name. References can be seen here on FA.

Progression History:
Jan 10, 2014: Original commission request placed
Jan 26, 2014: Kristen added, pre-tf content
Feb 8, 2014: TF starts - Denial + Anger
Mar 2, 2014: TF part 2 - Bargaining
Apr 1, 2014: TF part 3 - Depression
May 24, 2014: TF part 4 - Acceptance - completed TF
June 14, 2014: Sex w/Kristen - sex menu + basic scenes
July 1, 2014: Special scene for slutty Kristen
Aug 22, 2014: Special scene for loving Kristen
Aug 23, 2014: Special scene for friendly Kristen + 3some w/Janice

Project Details:
Kristen's project at present has two main phases. The first of which deals with Kristen, her transformation and the rest of her NPC content. The second deals with a quest for find her brother, which will come after the core NPC content is done.

DONE: Base event for meeting Kristen, human NPC and Kristen's Place location.
DONE: Dialog elements for Janice and Kristen, resulting in blouse delivery.
DONE: Adjustment - Blouse delivery made voluntary instead of automatic.
DONE: Stage 1 (denial) and stage 2 (anger) representing her initial transformation step w/player choices.
DONE: Stage 3 (bargaining) comes as her next transformation step w/player choices.
DONE: Stage 4 (depression) comes as her next transformation step w/player choices. This represents the player's final choice.
DONE: Stage 5 (acceptance) is seeing her fully transformed, with a different scene for each of the potential paths based on the last choice made.
DONE: Kristen NPC given fully vixen form. Moved to Palomino w/Janice (for now).
DONE: Physical reward available at Kristen's Place.
DONE: Janice dialog changes to reflect Kristen's tf and there/not-there.
DONE: Sex w/Kristen as vixen. May not be able to produce it with the current update due to the amount of other work required first.
DONE: At least one unique sex scene for each personality path.
DONE: Threesome fun w/Janice (M/F/F).
PENDING: Threesome fun w/Janice (F/F/F).
POTENTIAL: Additional threesome variations w/Janice.
PENDING: A means to migrate Kristen to the library and back w/associated dialog/scene changes.
POTENTIAL: Interactions between Kristen and other NPCs (at Palomino and/or Library/Bunker)
POTENTIAL: Pre-tf (human) sex.

PENDING: A quest to locate her brother. Details to be added once that quest is approaching production.
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Re: Project:Kristen the Arctic Fox

Postby TigerStripes » Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:27 pm

Updated the project details to show the additions made over the last few updates. At present, all donation time is used and Kristen's content is at a point that feels complete except for a lesbian threesome w/her and Janice.
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